Chapter 02

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A week has passed since Arnav last saw Khushi or even a glimpse of her. She would eat inside her room, she would only allow either Anjali or Payal inside the room and she definitely made sure her room windows by the poolside are always closed and curtains are down. 

Every night Arnav would sit by the poolside just to get a glimpse of her. Ever since he saw her, it has been impossible for him to let go of her. Something about her pushed him towards her. 

Because of the way he acted towards her in front of others, he can't ask them to introduce her to him either. Poor Shyam has been waiting on an opportunity for Arnav to kick Khushi out. Unknown to him, the mission 'kick Khushi out' was aborted weeks ago by Arnav's side. 

It was a Sunday morning and Arnav, Anjali, Shyam, Akash, and Payal were having breakfast. 

"Akash, I was thinking of asking Khushi to resume her studies. I know she is feeling bored at home and she needs the exposure"

"That's a fantastic idea Di. Payal can maybe take her to some of the colleges around and maybe apply to a few of them"

"Yes Di, I will take her. I have a few friends who work in a few of the colleges. So they can help"

"Thank you, Akash and Payal. That would be great. I will talk to Khushi today and maybe Payal, you can take her tomorrow morning"

"Let's talk to her together Di"

Saying that Payal and Anjali left the dining room leaving the three men. 

"Has my wife gone crazy or what? Here, we are trying to kick Khushi out of this house and she is talking about funding the college education"

Shyam was furious at the idea. Even though Shyam loved Anjali more than his life, his love for money was always on the top. He and Arnav both have the same thinking that money is everything. 

He didn't mind four siblings sharing the property and business profit, but now it's only three siblings, the portion has to be divided among three, not four. That is the main reason he wants Khushi out. Because he knew, his wife will back up Khushi. 

"Jiju, Di, and Payal are right. Khushi is still young. She has her whole life ahead. One unfortunate incident shouldn't make her miserable life more miserable"

"But Akash, if she wants to study, she can ask her parents to help"

"Jiju, you know how her father is. And, end of the day she was married to Advay. She is his legally married wife. Therefore, whatever Advay owned has now gone to Khushi. It does not matter how sour their marriage was and how short. What matters is what's right"

Shyam looked at Arnav expecting some support. But Arnav sat there, eating his food silently and only observing. 

"I don't know Akash. But I still think you guys are making a mistake"

"Jiju, I respect you so much, but that does not mean I will tolerate you disrespecting my bhabhi. The day she came to this house as Advay's wife is the day she became a part of us"

"Ok, but what if she goes out to college, finds herself a boyfriend, and then she decided she wants to remarry? How are you going to support that?"

This part caught Arnav's utmost attention. He turned his head towards Akash and gestured he also would like to know the answer to that. 

"That's her choice Jiju, she is only 20 years for god's sake. I would be dammed if she spent all her life as a widow. I want her to find someone, I want her to find love and I want her to have a beautiful life ahead"

Saying that Akash left the dining room. 

"Arnav, what the hell happened to you? Here, I am trying to fight for what's right and the only thing you bothers was to know if Khushi can remarry or not?"

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