Chapter 15

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Anjali, Arnav, and Shyam were having breakfast together when Arnav received a call.









"How long?"

Shyam was a little worried when he heard Arnav.

"What happened Arnav? Is everything ok?"

"Jiju, it was our accountant"


Shyam started sweating. He knew if Arnav gets to know what he did, he would be kicked out of this house in no time.

"Yes, something happened with our bank transfers. Bank thinks it's a bug so all our transfers are on hold for a few days until the bug is cleared. I hope neither of you has any critical transfers to go out."

Shyam was relieved. So he is not exposed. Although he wanted that money to himself as soon as possible, he didn't want Arnav to get suspicious.

"No Anrav. Nothing that can't wait"

Saying that Shyam left the dining room. Arnav took his phone out and texted Khushi.

"Plan worked. Thanks for the call. Now we have a few days with us to come up with a plan to expose him"

Anjali and Arnav finished their breakfast and Arnav left for work. Khushi didn't have a morning lecture today so she asked Lavanya to pick her up later. As promised Lavanya came at 10 to pick her up.

As soon as they reached Campus Khushi and Lavanya sat down and Khushi explained the whole detective episode she had.

"He did what?"

"Yes Lavanya, can you believe that man, he accessed Arnav's computer and emailed his account pretending to be Arnav"

"Khushi, get rid of this guy as soon as possible. He sounds dangerous more and more"

"We are trying Lavanya. But he is not alone, there is Di. So we have to be sure of what we are doing. The last thing any of us want is to hurt Di"

"I get it. Anjali Di is pure soul. She deserves better. By the way, if you need any legal help, let me know. Rohan is back in Delhi"

"Oh, your cousin brother Rohan, how is he?"

"He is great. After he separated from his wife, he moved back to Delhi"

"I hope he is holding up well?"

"Yes, he and Ruhan are fine. But Ruhan misses his mother though"

"I can't understand. It must have been hard for him"

"Yes, the poor kid has changed his personality a lot. You remember how cheery he was but now he is very reserved"

"As a person who has gone through something bad in life, I know how he must be feeling. But all he needs to find that one person who will cheer him up and pull him out of his misery"

"I wonder when will he get his ASR"

"Oh come on Lavanya, I was not talking about Arnav"

"Yeah, yeah... but as I said, let me know ok?"

"I guess, if all goes well, Di might need a good divorce attorney, so will keep him in mind"

Khushi and Lavanya were walking to their next lecture when Khushi's phone rang. She looked at the screen and it was Arnav.

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