Chapter 16

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"Arnav, how could they? I didn't ask them to give birth to me. They did that on their own and now they punish me for it?"

"Calm down Khushi. I know what they did was wrong. But you can't just blame it on them. Even my brother was wrong. He should have talked to you first"

"I am not telling you he is not wrong. He ruined my life and I hate him for that but it does not hurt. He didn't know me, he was just looking after his sister. So to know what he did and why he did does not hurt as much as it hurt to know what my parents did"

"I don't know what to say, Khushi"

Arnav was mad, if it was up to him he would have punched her father in the face. He would have bashed her mother for what she did. But he didn't want to do any of that. End of the day, they are her parents so he has no right to support or go against them.

Khushi is the only one who can decide what she needs to do. He will be there to support her but he is not going to take a decision for her.

His brother was wrong. Advay should have given Anjali a chance to decide what she wants to do. What he should have done is to let Anjali know about this and she would have done what was best for her.

"Arnav, why my life is so messed up? I feel like I am all alone in this world. My sister left me when I was young, then my parent's played with my life, my husband hated me, and I became a widow at the age of 20. Now at 21, I lost my parents"

"Khushi, you didn't lose your parents and you are definitely not alone"

"Arnav, I don't think I can ever forgive them. I know the pain I went through"

Arnav suddenly realized what she said. She said she was 20, but now at 21. Which means she turned 21. But when? He remembered how he celebrated his 21st birthday in the USA and it was a huge deal. 21st is a big deal for a person. People celebrate their 21st birthdays better than their weddings and this girl didn't even have a cake.

Arnav looked at Khushi. Why is she having to go through all this pain? She never asked for much, she never complained, and more than anything she never expected anything from anyone but was always there for anyone who needs help. But in return, she has only received pain.

Arnav turned her towards him and within seconds he hugged her, he hugged her as tight as he can. Khushi who was broken into pieces needed that hug. Therefore, without wasting another second she hugged him back and started crying out loud. Arnav patted her back and kept hugging her so that she can cry her heart out.

"Arnav, I feel like a loser. I feel like I carry bad omen around me. I think everyone is better off without me"

"Shut up Khushi, I am going to hit you hard if you ever repeated what you just said. You are the best one can ever ask for. I mean look at me for example. My own siblings used to call me Ravan and you have changed me for good. You helped me to look at the world from a better point of view"

"But whoever I interact with gets my bad omen"

"It's their own doings, Khushi. You are no extraordinary person who can make or break someone, they pay for what they do. Don't blame it on you"

Arnav tightened the hug and kept on messaging her back. His mind went through to a few months back, the day he landed in Delhi for Advay's funeral. He was so convinced that Khushi is bad luck and she should be out of the house. But today, he is the same person who is trying to convince her that she is not bad luck.

"What is happening to me? It's like whatever is happening to her affects me the same way. If she is hurt, I feel hurt. If she is sad, I feel sad. If she is crying, I feel like ripping the whole world to bring a smile on her face and when she is happy, that feel like the world to me"

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