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If relation is more dear to you than nothing can replace it, not even the gems, money and treasure."

The dark clouds were wandering around the calm sky, flirting with the innocent twinkling stars and the wind was trying to blow away the curtain from the window of Moon's territory. Two silhouettes were standing near the railing, engrossed in chatting.

A girl with brown hair was ascending the stairs of the cottage. As she took a step to go to the room of her cousin, her steps halted at the familiar sound of manly laughter. She followed the sound and as she passed by the gym. She found two people standing there on the beautifully organized terrace garden.

The person with brown orbs turned to his back, sensing someone's gaze on him and his pupil got wide seeing her there, glaring at the cigar and lighter, he is holding in between his fingers. The cigar dropped from his fingers on the lush green grass and he quickly put his footwear on it.

"What are you doing here?" He stammered, moving towards her.

"When did you start smoking? You are no more like my Daniyal, who was so innocent." She inquired, glaring at him and his friend, who was holding a packet of cigars and a lighter in his both hands. Her saying "My Daniyal." did something to his crazy heart. He smiled at her words, folding his hands on his chest.

"Unbelievable!" She said with a dejected sigh.

"No. Umm...." He was rubbing his hand on his neck, trying to find appropriate words to tell.

"Bhabhi wanna try?" Arbaz interrupted, forwarding the packet of the cigar to her. She glared at him, snatching the packet from him, she tossed it away from the terrace. Arbaz tried to catch it, but Daniyal took hold of him screaming," Do you wanna die, Arbaz!"

"Yaar, I haven't tried it yet and your wife has thrown it away." He fake cried, putting his head on Daniyal's shoulder.

"Mind your words, Mr. Arbaz Malik." Shanzay yelled, trying her level best, not to beat anyone.

"Bhabhi, What wrong I said now?" He asked confused. Shanzay felt the sudden urge to slap the idiot friend of her cousin.

"I am not your BHABHI!!!" She shouted, punching Daniyal's arm in irritation.

"Oh! But, I don't make gorgeous girls, my sister." He said dramatically with a chuckle and Shanzay left there stomping her feet.

"Daniyal, get them. Hurry up!" Arbaz pointed at the packet of cigars lying down near the pool, in the backyard.

"Why so?" Daniyal asked, his gaze trained on the way, from where she has gone into Izhan's room, a few seconds ago.

"Your beloved has thrown it there, because of you." He said, poking his index finger on his arm.

"What was the need of showing hospitality to her, Huuhhh? And by the way, Who asks a girl for smoking?" Daniyal slapped him, on his shoulder harshly.

"Ouch!! It was a tobacco-free, herbal-flavored cigar, it was not toxic. So I offered it to her. Who knew she will get mad at us...  My cousin has sent it with so much love...."

"What you said to Shanzay?" Izhan came there, in his night suit.

"We were just shooting a video of smoking and she thought we were smoking in real and apart from all this, it was just a non-toxic, herbal cigar. See, what your sister has done." Arbaz again pointed his finger at the packet of cigars lying in the backyard. Before Izhan, could say anything, Shanzay said, "Cigar is a cigar, it's toxic and addictive too. Your herbal cigar doesn't contain tobacco but it does contain other harmful substances which are bad for your health."

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