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your filthy thoughts
& your disgusting desires.
To hell from my side.

☆D.S (The rightful lover of Moon.)


Tranquility of the midnight, was comforting the souls, by offering them the ride to the land of dreamland. But he has just came back to the lands of trails, from the lands of sleep, as it was the time fo his meeting with Al-Malik, the King of Kings, the Monarch of Heavens, Sky and Ocean, the Ruler of every thing visible or invisible, on this universe and beyond.

Midnight prayer Tahajjud was his most favourite one, according to him all his achievements is the results of his midnight worships. He has always prayed Tahajjud in the hope of finding Al-Khaliq, the Creator, he has never missed his Tahajjud salah since he was nine years old as for him it was the only means for him to show his love for Al-Wadud, The most loving. In the very tender age he understood no one is interested in hearing you, so he started telling all his worries to Al-Sami, the all hearing. He was fond of asking, Al-Hadi, to guide him and show him the way.

He got up from the sofa and pushed the door of his bedroom, the chilled waved seeping out of air conditioner, caressed his body and he kinda shivered at the cold sensation. He sprinted towards the sidetable and taking the remote, he adjusted the temperature of the AC. He saw her sleeping in a fetal position, completely hidden under the comfy eiderdown, her face was uncovered a little, he smiled at her and lightly pinched her nose which was slightly red due to cold. Then he disappeared into the bathroom to freshen up. After doing the ablution, he changed into his prayer clothes and spread the prayer rug on the floor covered with snowy marble tiles. He has initiated his prayer with the stunning smile, but no sooner his eyes were filled with teardrops, as his heart was present in front of Al-Momin, The One Who gives Emaan and Security.

Allah has the Most Beautiful Names. So call upon Him by them.

He was disclosing his problems to Al-Aleem, The All-Knowing, The Omniscient. He was pleading to Al-Wakeel, The Trustee, The Disposer of Affairs to help him with his affairs. He was asking As -Samad, The Eternal, Satisfier of Needs to satisfy his needs. He was asking the Al Ghaffar, The All- and Oft-Forgiving, Al Ghafoor, The Forgiving, The Exceedingly Forgiving to forgive all hi sins and blessed him the best. His tongue was uttering the most beautiful of names, Asma ul Husna and in the course of time his soul, his body, his heart and his mind was showered with peace, by As-Salam, Only provider of Peace.

Peace is the resident of Soul
if PEACE leaves,
then the heart, the mind, the body and lastly the soul,
all becomes Restless.

If your soul yearns for Peace then it can be achieved only by being submissive to As-Salam.

What else a soul yearns for,
when it is drenched in the drizzling of PEACE?


He recited one juz of Quran then offered his Fajar salah and after the supplication, again he picked up the Sacred Quran Paak from the shelf and recited the half Juz, then he closed it, kissing the Quran, he placed it back on it's respective place. Making a short Dua, he raised from the floor and folding the prayer rug, he exited the prayer room. He went to her and removed the eiderdown from her face to blow at her, he blew at her face and placed a tender kiss on her forehead. Then, sitting next to her pillow, he took her hand in his, and started doing Zikr on her fingers. He heard his mobile phone ringing, he came in the living room and answered the incoming call from his mother. It was his routine to call his mother, in the early morning.

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