𝓣𝓱𝓮 𝓒𝓻𝓲𝓶𝓼𝓸𝓷 𝓣𝔂𝓻𝓪𝓷𝓽 - 02

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I shot out of bed, alarmed at the sudden sound. Grabbing the nearest sweater I could find, I ran downstairs.

"What was that?" Reaching the last few steps, I sighed in relief. "Oh, hey Deuce."

The blue haired boy was crowding Ace. Looking up, he smiled. "Good morning, Chaeyoung. I hope I didn't disturb you."

"Nah, it's alright." I shook my head, lying. I was really hoping to sleep in just a little bit this morning. "What brings you here so early?"

"I heard what happened with Ace, he's a complete idiot."

A laugh bubbled in my throat. "Well, just give me and Yuu a few minutes to get ready, then we can go." Checking the time, I turned back upstairs to get ready.


"Hey, hey, outta my way! The Great Grim is passing through!" Grim cackled as we walked through main street.

Yuu sighed. "Grim, keep your voice down."

"Unlike that lame thing on Ace's neck, my collar is fabulous!"

Ace scowled. "Just you wait until I get my magic back!"

I quickly stepped in between them. "Hey, the headmaster said no fighting."

Deuce agreed. "And besides, if you want your magic back, then why don't you just hurry and apologise to the prefect?"

The other Heartslabuyl boy grumbled. "Why do I have to apologise?"

"Because you're the one who ate the tart." Playing with my nails, I noticed a group of boys staring.

Well I do stand out, don't I.

Crowley hadn't given me and Yuu any necessities yet so all I have is my hero suits. Seeing as how it's still hot out, I can only wear my summer suit. And that one is certainly flashy.

"We still have time before classes start, so I don't see how you can't go now." Yuu turned to the three.

The ginger sighed. "I guess."


"Wow." The dorm was certainly fancy.

Everything was red and white, and the trees were perfectly lined. Not to mention that they were shaped like hearts with bright red roses.

"This place is beautiful." I walked towards one of the trees. Reaching out towards one of the flowers I stroked the soft petals, admiring the silky feel. Moving my finger, I hissed as I got pricked by a thorn.

Pulling back, I watched as a small pearl of blood began to form. I wiped it away, only to notice a small dot where the thorn was.

It looked just like a mark from a syringe.

"I don't care what you do to me, just don't hurt her!"

"Then I'm sure you don't mind doing more tests, do you?"

I felt a hand on my shoulder.

Startled, I turned around to find Deuce inches away from my face.

"Sorry!" He blushed and moved back. "We're going to find the prefect now."

"Oh, right." I followed him.

We walked towards a giant Maze, filled with ore trees and roses.

"What's the deal with roses?" Yuu asked. We turned the corner to find a boy on a ladder with paint buckets surrounding him.

"Crap, I gotta hurry and paint these roses red." He said to himself, covering a white rose with thick red paint, his orange hair bouncing as he moves.

Have I seen this before?

"Um, excuse me?" Deuce questioned, the boy stopped painting.

"I'm painting the roses red." He answered. Suddenly, his eyes widened. "Wait, are you the guys who broke the chandelier?"

Ace sweatdropped. "We're going to hear that until we graduate."

"And you're the one who ate the prefect's tart! Hey, let's take a selfie~!" The boy pulled out his phone and pulled us together for a photo.

"Can I put this on magicam? Tell me your names so I can put it in the tags."

"Deuce Spade."

"Ace Trappola."

"Grim and henchmen!"

Yuu sighed. "Grim, for the last time we're not your henchmen." She looked at the boy, "I'm Yuu."

"Chaeyoung Kawasaki."

"Oh! You're the students that became prefect and vice prefect of Ramshackle! And you're the girl with the snakes!" The orange haired boy brought his phone out for a selfie. "You look so pretty! I have to get a picture with you!"

I was slightly taken aback. Before I could say anything, he took the picture, and I quickly posed.

"My names Cater Diamond, I'm a third year. You can call me Cater, cay-cay is fine too, or Cater senpai~♡." He looked at me and Yuu and winked.

Yuu looked slightly uncomfortable.

Maybe just call him Cater for now.

Cater looked at his watch and his eyes widened. "What am I doing? I have to paint these roses!" Hey, could you guys help me?"

"But why are you doing that in the first place?" Ace questioned, confused.

"Rose's are the most photogenic st parties!" He answered. "I also gotta colour the flamingos for the croquet match."

Grim frowned. "Man, your chores are weird."

"So the tart that Ace ate was for the dorm prefect's birthday." Deuced concluded. "No wonder he's so mad."

Cater frowned. "Uh, no? That's not it." 

word count: 883

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word count: 883

Short chapter I know, but Promise the next one will be longer 

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