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"Everyone this is Y/N, Taehyung's fiancée!" Eunha yelled at the top of her lungs.

They all stopped their dancing, singing, and drinking, as if they wanted the world to know it wasn't just a fucking Kim stereotype, to stare at me. Then they raised their mugs and screamed:


I don't need this shit.

But I had a part to play so I grinned. "LETS ENJOYY!!"

Everyone shouted with joy, and I was motherfucking-in with the Kim clan. At least the drunk ones with dicks. The girls would be harder. I could already tell from their glares. Maybe I could tell them they were pretty and try not hold their faces underwater.

"Hi, Y/N!" A group of young kids ran up to me, speaking with strong pleasantries. If I didn't know better, I would have thought they were drunk as well. But even the Kim couldn't be that crazy.

Crouching down to them, I smiled. "Hi, nice to meet y'all."

Their grins almost split their faces. Taehyung must have followed me, because he was being congratulated by some other male drunks. He looked surprised that I knew how to handle kids. But he was a chauvinistic pig, who thought all I did was paint my toenails and shop. Of course I know how to speak politely to strangers when needed. My father had me learn the moment the contract was formed.

As the children pulled me toward a corner of the massive garden, each dancing around me, I pretended not to notice the women glaring at me. I would speak with them later, but now I needed to make myself look like a fucking saint. I took my shoes off and danced along with the kids, singing their songs and even spinning some of them around. It made even me laugh. Don't get me wrong, I liked kids . . . kind of, sort of. I was just sure they were annoying as fuck if you spent too much time with them. But I needed them today, so I danced.

When I finally stopped, Eunha handed me glass of water. I wanted wine. My wine.

"They all love you." Eunha grinned. "A few men even cursed Taehyung for finding you first."

Just smile and drink Y/N.

"Oh, we are going to have a garden party for you tomorrow, for all us girls." Evelyn's eyes shined with joy. "Everyone is dying to meet you."

I would rather have everyone just dying.

"I can't wait," I said, but they didn't even notice I was lying.

Glancing around, I realized then that all the Kim men were gone.

"Where is Taehyung?" I was ready to break the glass in my hands.

Jisoo and Eunha frowned, but Evelyn held her strong demeanor. She turned her back to the guests to stand in front me.

"Y/N, do not worry. I know you are aware of what our men do. But believe that they are safe. They often use parties like this one to cover up something else. We try not to get involved and to know as little as possible. My son would never want to endanger your well-being." Evelyn's face became serious before relaxing into a carefree smile once again.

I nodded, trying my best to stay calm, but as my gaze landed on Jimin and Suho near the doors, looking scared for their lives, I knew that someone was going to die tonight.

"Excuse me."

Jimin and Suho stiffened, waiting until I was before them to speak.

"Flight 735 just exploded over the Atlantic ocean. Death toll is one hundred ninety-two. Eighty-seven of them Songs who were smuggling drugs in the seats," Jimin said.

The glass shattered in my hand, but I didn't feel it. Even as the blood dripped from my fingers, I couldn't feel it. Walking calmly into the house, I moved straight to the foyer. I had gotten blue prints to this whole place years ago and noticed there was space left out. It didn't take genius to realize they were hiding something behind a fake wall, and that the rather larger Jackson Pollock hanging on the faux wall really had to be a door.

Bloody hand raised, I waited for Jimin to hand me a gun.

"We are outnumbered, ma'am," he said instead, and I simply shifted my gaze to him. Today was not the fucking day.

Suho handed me the semi-automatic he always had strapped to his leg.

"Jimin , stay out here, I wouldn't want you to get hurt," I snapped before shooting right through the wall. Neither Suho nor I stopped, not even when the painting, tattered and unrecognizable, crumbled to ground. The wall blew apart bit by fucking bit until the door bounced open.

When it released, I stepped in. There stood the rats, all drawn and panicked with the news playing in the background. My eyes met Namjoon's, who looked white as a sheet, then Jin, who was trying his best to stop the bleeding in his arm. Next was Minho, who didn't seem surprised it was me. In fact, he was the only one wearing a bullet-proof jacket underneath his suit. If he hadn't been, the bullet hole in his tie would have killed him. The biggest rat of them all, who must have had a fucking guardian angel in his pocket because he was perfectly fine, was furious.

"Tell me it wasn't fucking you, and you still get to come to the motherfucking wedding sweetheart," I said still calm as ever, ready to start shooting again.

I should have worn the white heels.


"Your fiancée is . . ." Jin stopped talking, taking her in through the window as she laughed and danced with the children. A part of me wanted to run over there and save their lives. The beautiful woman with the kind smile, laugh and blushing face was just an illusion. They were dancing with a fucking lion, a snake in the grass.

"She is a master of fucking disguise," I hissed angrily. I would have enjoyed watching her dance and smile and sing off-key if I hadn't known better. If there wasn't a bullet hole in my fucking thigh, I would have been tempted to think myself lucky.

The woman before us now was the woman I was expecting, the one I wanted, and it pissed me off to no end, because she didn't exist. This party was supposed to make her uncomfortable, but she was playing every last one of our family like fools.

"She has them all eating right out of her hands. She's a master," Jin said looking at her in wonder and awe.

"Jin, I will shoot you in front of Jisoo and then give her the gun to shoot you again if you don't stop staring at my fiancée like she is the fucking Virgin Mary." I knocked back the brandy in my hand. I hated her for this. For, once again, making me realize she could play this game, the game of murder and lies, like a motherfucking pro.

"Don't take your anger out on me. You're the one who fucked it up. If you had just—"

"Shut the fuck up Jin, or I swear to God!" I gripped the glass in my hand so damn tight, it almost broke. "Go do your bloody job. I want that plane in ashes in three minutes."

He didn't say anything more, but left to meet with Namjoon along with the rest of our men while I watched my soon-to-be wife walk on fucking water.

The moment we had stepped out of the car, she had transformed into this delicate little bird. The Y/N I met the day before, and the Y/N she announced herself as to my mother, were two very different women. But she drew them in like moths to a flame. She was so fucking beautiful and nonthreatening when she met everyone, that for a split second I forgot.

Had she been this way when I first met her, I would have dazzled and charmed her while we were making love on my bed. I would have taken pleasure in making her whole body blush, keeping her safely tucked away.



Hii guys. I am your author Isla. I would like to express my gratitude to some dear ones who support my book through their votes and comments. I hope that you would keep on supporting   this book. Please be expressive of your thoughts on the book and its chapters through comments.

Thank You and Love Y'all 💜

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