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"Taehyung we can stay in the summer home—"

"We are not moving!" I yelled, breathing through my nose before taking a step back. "I will not be chased out of my home like a poverty stricken street rat. There is plenty of house left. Pick a room and deal with it, Father."

He raised an eyebrow at me, grinning before he nodded.

"As for Jihun and Saige, take photos of Jaemin's body and send it to them. When you're done, throw Jaemin's body anywhere you fucking please. Ship him to the moon for all I fucking care. Just make sure Jihun knows those pictures are all that he will ever have left of his son." Part of me wished I hadn't killed Jaemin outright and used him for some leverage to bring down his father.

"When are we hitting back, boss?" Jimin asked me, and I do believe that was the first time he had ever called me his boss.

"We start now." I glanced over to them all. "Namjoon, gather every motherfucking hacker and suck him dry. Anything you can destroy, do it. The rest of you, your orders are the same. Shoot to kill. I don't care if they're in the street or their damn beds. We're ending this if I have to bomb all of Russia to do it."


It was déjà vu. No father ever wanted to watch his son suffer as he had. Our sons and daughters were supposed to move forward. Make new mistakes. Forge new paths and conquer new mountains. Yet Taehyung was fighting my battle. I should have killed off Jihun years ago. I should have prevented all this, but I failed.

Allowing the smoke to fill my lungs, I stared up at the sky.

"Minho." Jumping at the sound of my wife's voice, I looked back to find her glaring at the joint in my hands.

"Sorry," I whispered, preparing to throw it out, when she simply took it from my hands and took a long drag.

Smirking, she handed it back to me. "Only tonight. Afterall today, it should be allowed."

"This reminds me of college." Smoking on the roof after a long, hard day of sex. There was some studying every once in a while also, but still.

"I was pregnant, remember? I couldn't smoke."

"Oh, right." I laughed as she hit me, but I just held on to her.

"Will they be okay? Can they get through this?" she whispered.

"I don't know. It's only the first day."


I really didn't know how I got to the maternity ward. I was simply walking and next thing I knew, there were babies as far as the eye could see. They were all enchanting and peaceful. Looking at them almost made me forget that the world sometimes sucked.

"They are cute, aren't they?" Namjoon whispered next to me.

The Barbarous Us-KTH FF (Book I)Where stories live. Discover now