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"I am trying! You are closer to me than anyone else, Taehyung!"

"That would be enough, if everyone else wasn't dead." She froze at my words.

I stepped in her face again and kissed her forehead. "I. Am. All. You. Have. Just as you are all I have—fuck Namjoon, Jin, Jisoo, Eunha, even my parents. My family and loyalty start with you and you alone. The sooner you fucking realize that, the sooner we can get back to losing ourselves within each other and actually killing all those who stand against us."

She said nothing, looking away from me, and I turned to leave. She didn't stop me, because she was my Y/N and hardheaded as fuck. I could say it to her a thousand times, but she needed to realize it herself. Tomorrow she would, and it couldn't come fast enough. Then I would fuck her senseless for all the frustration she had caused me.


Once he left, I laid back on the bed, trying not to think, but failing miserably.

I. Am. All. You. Have. His voice replayed in my mind even as I tried to push it out. I didn't understand why he couldn't just be happy with sex. I was willing to have sex. I wanted to have sex. However, instead of a quickie, I was laying on a bed alone. My mind felt so clouded. He was making it that way. I should have been thinking of ways to kill Jaemin and Saige, but instead, I was thinking of him, stupid fucking sexy Kim man.

I rose from the bed, fixing myself before walking out. I didn't bother looking at Taehyung. Instead, I grabbed my things and walked off the plane. The moment I stepped out, I took a deep breath and smiled. I loved Busan. The place of camp was small, it was quiet, and it was green. I had hated it at first, but now the trees gave me peace. Nature was the only thing that made sense.

In front of the plane were Jeeps waiting to take us to the camp. I walked straight to Suho, and he already knew not to ask. Instead, he threw me the keys. Before driving off, I glanced back at Taehyung who glared at me. However, in the rearview mirror, I watched as he ran faster than any fucking man I had ever seen and jumped onto the back of the truck with ease.

He smirked at me before turning back to the rest of the men, fist in the air. They applauded him like he was something special.

"Camp Kim begins now!"

Never mind, he was special . . . a stupid, special kid. I was tempted to turn sharply and send him into one of the tress, but he climbed into the front with me.

"If I wanted you to ride with me, I would have waited for you," I said as he looked out at the greenary we drove through.

"Why Busan?" he asked me, ignoring my comment completely. When I didn't answer, he said, "This is a good time to be open, Y/N, or does that only happen after sex?"

Stomping on the pedal, I drove us even farther, taking a path onto an abandoned road in the middle of the forest.

"I went to community college here. It's small, rainy, and unknown. Busan's Gamcheon Creative Village is the place you go when you don't want to be found," I replied, turning left near the riverbank.

The Barbarous Us-KTH FF (Book I)Where stories live. Discover now