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"They are calling you Bloody Min now." I smirked at her, flipping through what looked to be more coded letters from Saige.

She stopped and frowned. "That doesn't strike enough fear into the hearts of men and woman everywhere."

"Oh, it does. They fear and respect you. Maybe more than me." I pouted, and she smiled, bending down to kiss my lips.

"You could blow up the police commissioner's house for trying to break into our downtown factory."

She smiled, causing me to rise up quickly. Maybe a little bit too quickly but I ignored the pain.

"What the fuck?" I shouted, searching for the file she was talking about, but she simply handed me the laptop.

"That is our meth lab in Lotte Park, isn't it?" she asked, even though we both knew it was.

"How the fuck did he get in there?" I snapped, watching as the idiot and his men broke into the factory. So much for personal rights.

Y/N picked up Saige's coded letters. "Apparently Jihun is tipping them off as a way to keep us distracted."

Taking the letters, I raked through them quickly.

"This could be a trap. Saige could be writing these as bullets for us to pick up and shoot ourselves with." I didn't know this Saige well enough yet. But from what I did know, she was a snake in the grass and someone needed to cut off her head before she fed and grew.

"I thought the same thing and had Jimin contact Daeson after we first got off the jet. Apparently, Saige forgets things constantly and needs to write everything down. Jaemin has her computer coded weekly so no one can hack in. Daeson is a big help with that. But I'm not ruling out anything yet. Right now we do still have a police rat outside our door," she replied looking at the computer screen.

"Namjoon put a bomb under his house," I said, reminding myself. Y/N flipped the channel to the small and modest family home in the Seoul suburbs. He must have kept it even after he lost his family. It was kind of sad.

She handed me a cell phone, and I smiled. Pressing send and watching the house go up in flames was like watching fireworks during New Years. Now it wasn't so sad anymore.

Flipping back to the factory, I dialed the site number and pressed send once more for the heck of it, and Y/N turned to me wide-eyed.

"What the fuck did you just do?" she gasped, staring at the screen.

"Too many people knew about the place. We were having meth-heads show up at the door. I had everything moved from there a month ago." The commissioner would have found nothing anyway.

Y/N smiled, but in a flash it was out as we spotted the commissioner's stupid sidekick helping his boss out.

"Some rats just don't know when to die."

The Barbarous Us-KTH FF (Book I)Where stories live. Discover now