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Pinching the bridge of my nose, I turned to Jimin. "What does this have to do with Jihun?"

The idiot was so busy getting high off his past memories he almost forgot why we were talking about this.

Namjoon pulled out a photo of a red-haired woman. "Meet the woman formerly known as Saige Rozhkov."

"He had a daughter?" I replied but the closer I stared, the more I saw the resemblance.

"Formerly?" Y/N asked him as she glared at the redheaded woman in the photo.

"By the end of tonight, she will be Song Saige ," he replied, and both Y/N and I put our drinks down.

"What the fuck?" Y/N and I said together.

"From what I've learned, the man who slit old Rozhkov's throat was Jihun when he was on his rise to power. He wanted Saige to marry Jaemin. However, the old man wouldn't have it. That's when he went to Hyunbin, but he was rejected again. So Jihun took a step back, and I guess allowed both your families to destroy Rozhkov. But since you let him live, Jihun went back and killed him, but not before torturing every last secret out of him. Even though Alexei was destroyed, he still had the names. As both of you know, old names come with old favors. He pulled every last one of them after the fall of Rozhkov," Jimin explained quickly as he looked through more papers.

"Then why does he need this Saige?" I asked. He had the power already. The girl seemed to be useless.

"Because they're foreigners," Y/N whispered, and I could see her connecting the dots in her mind. "Jihun and his brothers came from Italy where my father all but banished them. The Russians hate outsiders. This Saige is a pawn. Something to make his men stand straighter behind him."

Made sense. "Does she know?"

He nodded and frowned. "She's the one who sold out her father's location to Jihun. She apparently misses the power—these encrypted letters are hers. I thought they were ranting's of a mad woman at first—"

"Today is the day," I read the letter aloud, which had the worst grammar, even in Russian. "Today is the day I take my rightful place on the throne. My father was fool and lost everything. He didn't know how to play the game. But I do. I have spent years planning my revenge and now with the power of the Jaemin. With the power of the Song, I shall be queen. I will cover the earth with the blood of my enemies. Starting with Kim Cunt and Min whore.

"And this is why we do not keep journals. It's dated for today," I added as I handed it to her. I knew she couldn't read it, but she looked ready to rip it from my hands.

"So she's batshit crazy. Give me a location and I will kill her now whether it's true or not." Y/N's eyes narrowed in on the paper. If she wasn't careful, she would set it on fire.

Jimin frowned. "I don't have one. These letters were taken from her personal tablet. However, they are bouncing from eight different countries. We see everything she types but have no idea where she is."

The Barbarous Us-KTH FF (Book I)Where stories live. Discover now