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"Sorry for cursing, Evelyn."

"Not at all. It seems like you have been holding that in for a while." She laughed when I looked up.

Minho frowned. "Who is giving you these lessons? Are they trustworthy?"

"Ari, Y/N's—"

"The slave girl who follows Y/N around like a lost dog?" Jisoo snorted, drinking her wine.

"Jisoo, that is enough," Minho snapped, and she stood up straight immediately. "Eunha, when do you train again?"

"Tomorrow at five," I answered, smiling at Jisoo.

"Very well, I shall see you both then."


Day 5

"Do it," I told Ari as I sat in front of the mirror.

"Are you sure Eun?" Evelyn asked, looking at my hair.

"It is just hair. It will grow back, right? Ari almost ripped my ponytail out during our fight yesterday," I said. After everything, Evelyn and Minho were both watching as if it were some damn sport. Minho didn't really speak. However, he would frown every time my body collided with the floor.

Ari demanded I learn how to use my size to an advantage, so everything I learned had been quick jabs and kicks. She made me jump up and down for an hour straight before having me kick her hands. But I could barely even stand up, let alone kick. When I puked, she gave me water, some bread, and a six-minute break before putting me to work again.

"Here I go," Ari said, and I closed my eyes. All I heard were the scissors snipping away at my hair.

"Evelyn, your nephew will still love me if I'm bald right?" I joked.


"Evelyn!" My eyes flew open, and I stared at my reflection. I looked so different. Not bad different, just different.

Evelyn gasped. "Ari, you must cut my hair from now on." She messed with some of the edges of my hair until she met my eyes in the mirror. "You look beautiful, and Namjoon, will fall in love with you all over again."

God, I hoped so.

"Now you, Ari." I smiled, standing up as I pulled her down.

"Eun . . ."

"Nope, we're doing this, and if you don't, I will cut your hair while you sleep," I threatened, causing her to roll her eyes.

"I don't sleep," she joked.

"Why doesn't that shock me?" I smiled, grabbing the flat iron.

"I think we may have some contacts. Let me see if there are any for your prescription," Evelyn said quickly, walking out of the room.

"Sexy Ari is under here somewhere." I grinned. "This is going to be like one of those teen movies."

The Barbarous Us-KTH FF (Book I)Where stories live. Discover now