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"Taehyung, stop before you give the poor woman a heart attack." Y/N smiled up at me, but all I saw were knives in her eyes before she turned back to Juna. "Please don't mind him. He doesn't know the full extent of his charm."

I rolled my eyes and kissed her cheek affectionately. I felt her stiffen just slightly, but she didn't break out of character. "All I needed it for was to catch you."

I still needed it to catch her.

"This is going to be a great interview. I can feel it. Are you both ready?" Juna asked. Nodding we walked over to the chairs that were staged for us. I waited for Y/N to sit down first before taking mine right next to her. The moment I did, she leaned in like a fucking pro and placed her hand on my knee. For someone who had never done an interview before she was doing well. Crossing all the t's and dotting her i's. But that was my wife, a master manipulator.

"First of all, it's my pleasure to be sitting across from Korea's Royal Couple," Juna said to us, leaning forward.

Y/N looked at me, and I knew that if Juna wasn't careful, my wife would kill her.

"Korea's Royal Couple?" she smiled before letting out a small fake laugh.

"Yes, Mrs. Kim, all of Korea loves you, and I have to say I personally loved your wedding dress. After your wedding, orders came flying in all over the country," Juna said, gushing.

"Oh, my God, really?" Y/N blushed, looking innocent and doe-eyed while she held on to my knee with a grip from hell. "That is so odd to me. Suddenly, everyone cares about my clothing and hair. I feel like a celebrity or something."

"Believe me when I say there are no bigger celebrities than you two. My friends are even trying to figure out the secret behind the Kim Taehyung's sex hair," she continued, and it took all I had not to groan instead of smile for the fucking camera.

"Honestly, I do nothing," I said, laughing.

"Because he is Kim Taehyung and is naturally sexy," Y/N continued, before sticking her tongue out. So I leaned in and kissed her lips.

"See why I can never win a fight?" Y/N frowned back at Juna, before grinning again. "He just kisses me, or worse takes off his shirt, and I'm completely dumbfounded."

If only that was fucking true.

"Yes, because I'm Kim Taehyung and naturally sexy," I said, throwing her words back at her before turning to Juna. "Do you think we can get that on a bumper sticker?"

Y/N hit me, laughing softly, and I disliked it simply because it wasn't her. This bubbly, preppy faker was not my wife. It was odd, because I had wanted her to be like this before we met. However, my Y/N, both in private and with our men, was stronger, ruthless, and sexy. This Y/N was cute, but it wasn't her, and I wanted her to be who she truly was when she was with me.

"So the very first question the world wants to know is . . . where did you two meet?" Juna asked.

The Barbarous Us-KTH FF (Book I)Where stories live. Discover now