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No one to fight, laugh, or rule with. I frowned to myself, taking another sip of the brandy before placing it on the counter. It also meant no one to sleep next to and no one to talk to. I could speak to others. However, I could only talk to Taehyung, because somehow he . . . I didn't know. I could just talk with him, and in a second, stupid fucking Jin almost took him away. "Where is the brandy?"

I jumped at the sound of his voice. The mirror was so foggy I hadn't even noticed when he walked in.

Turning to him, my eyes went straight to the bandage that was wrapped over his shoulder and around his waist. When I did glance up, he was looking me over as if I was water and he was a man in the desert.

I hadn't realized until then that I was standing completely naked while he stood in pajama pants.


His lips were on mine, before I could get the words out. My hand went to his hair, kissing him just as hard as he was kissing me. He tasted like honey, and I didn't want to let go of him. But I had to.

Breaking away, I took a deep breath, preparing to speak when his lips went to my neck.

"Taehyung we need to—"

He gripped my nipple, and I felt a moan ripple out of my throat. When his tongue began to trail down from my neck toward my breasts, I began pulling on this hair.

"Jesus! Fuck, Taehyung! Stop!" I yelled, and he froze, slowly ripping himself from me to look down at me. In his eyes I saw confusion, frustration . . . and hurt.

Letting me go completely, he took a step back, shaking his head. "Sorry. I just came in search of the brandy."

He frowned, reaching around me, but I grabbed it first.

"You shouldn't mix alcohol and pain killers," I said quickly. He glared at me before spotting my hands. I wasn't sure why I only then noticed the dry blood that was still on them . . . Jin's blood, maybe a little of Namjoon's as well.

Don't ask, Taehyung.

"What the fuck happened to your hand?"

Damn it, just listen to me once.

"Jin was the one who shot you," I replied, waiting to see how he would react, but he didn't look surprised.

"That doesn't explain your hand."

"I said your idiot brother shot you, and all you care about is my hand?" He should be out there kicking his brother's ass.

"Yes, because you're my wife." He sighed. "I will deal with Jin when I'm not on drugs."

Turning away from him, I took off my ring to wash my hands. "I handled it."

"You killed Jin?" he whispered, stepping up right behind me. Warmth radiated off him like waves. I felt myself leaning into him, closing my eyes, and relaxing as I rested my head on his chest. That is, until I remembered he had a bullet wound and stood straighter.

"No, I didn't." I should have. "I tasered him after beating into his face and stabbing Namjoon."

I prepared myself for his bitching, but when I turned to him, he was smiling. He must have been on some really good drugs.

"Let me get this straight. You stabbed Namjoon. And attacked and tasered Jin while I was out?" he asked, and I nodded. He was going to find out anyway.

"You show affection in the oddest ways," he said, kissing my forehead and grabbing the brandy.

But once again, I took it from him, placing it on the counter again. "Not with pills."

The Barbarous Us-KTH FF (Book I)Where stories live. Discover now