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"All men are touchable, Chen, those who touch me simply lose their hands. So let them come. I'm only just beginning. What I've done to you is not even the beginning." A second later the adrenaline must have kicked in because he shook and screamed like a fish out of water . . . much to my ears' enjoyment.

Stepping out into the hall, Namjoon, Jin, Suho, and Jimin all stood waiting for me. Namjoon walked over, handing me a phone as we walked out of the hospital.

"Hello, sweetheart." I smirked.

"You no good motherfucking bitch!" she yelled at me.

"Sweetheart, we don't want our kid coming out swearing like a sailor." I laughed as Jimin opened the car door for me.

"The life-form who is fucking with my emotions, draining my energy, and stealing half of all my food is certainly in a sac of fluid and can't hear a word I'm saying. You went to see the commissioner without me!" she screeched as I flipped through the files in front of me.

"Love, you were knocked out cold this morning . . ."

"Then use your motherfucking hands and wake me the fuck up. You benched me!" Little did she know, I tried to wake her up but she was no longer in the land of the living then.


"You left me here with your mother, who is now calling every motherfucking asshole with a drop of Kim in their veins to the house. I will kill someone, cut off their head and put it on the dashboard of your car if you do not fix this shit. I'm eleven and a half weeks and barely showing!" Her hormones were going to cost me my life . . . or a relative.

"Y/N, sweetheart . . ."

"Call me 'love' or 'sweetheart' one more time, sweetheart, and I will bust your teeth in," she said sweetly.

"I got nothing from him. Jongsuk and Hoseok told me they caught one of the Song men, Cross, in Mexico. They should be in the house, and you can handle that when I get back." There was silence on the line, which I prayed meant she was okay.

"I hate this," she whispered into the phone. "I hate how I have no control of how I'm feeling. I feel like a ticking time bomb, Taehyung. It's pissing me off."

"I'm good at defusing bombs, lov—" I stopped. I could almost feel her rolling her eyes. "I get it. One step at a time, and I will try my best to help to not tick you off. Would you like a smoothie?"

"That ticks me off!" she snapped. "Since when could you bribe me with treats like a fucking child."

I groaned, pinching the bridge of my nose. "So no smoothie, then?"

"Mango, banana, orange and extra Strawberry," she replied before hanging up, and I fought back a laugh.

"Take me to Smoothie Hut," I told the driver up front. Neither he nor Jimin said a word. But what could they really say? I had a pregnant and dangerous wife waiting for me back home.


Taking a deep breath, I rolled into a ball on my bed.

The Barbarous Us-KTH FF (Book I)Where stories live. Discover now