Chapter 57

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At mid night -

* Clash *

Hyunjin was working in his tab when suddenly a noise of breaking a glass caught his attention. Right now in this whole mension only He and Luna were present.  He knew Luna was sleeping in her room so were is this noise coming from ?

Keeping his tab aside he went out of his room . He looked through the hallway but nothing was out of place . On second thought he went to check on Luna . Entering her room he switched on the lights to find her sitting and the glass on her side table broken on the floor .

" I sorry the glass ,..broke slipping off my hand .. " She was trying to getting down but he stopped her " Its ok you don't have to " he went near her and saw her uneasy state. On a insist he touched her forehead " My god Luna you are burning " He immediately made her rest in the bed.

At that moment he don't know what to do . The only thought came in his mind to call a doctor but which doctor would be able to come in this whether? It was raining and thundering heavy outside. Now then he have to do something.

He rushed out of the room and in a minute bought a bowl of cold water and a cloth. Dipping it into the bowl he placed the wet cloth in her forehead.

" Firstly I have to reduce her body temperature " He took a thermometer from the cabinet and put it on her mouth. " 102° " he mouthed changing the poisition of the cloth.

After some moments of waiting the temperature was still not going down and now Hyunjin started to worry what would he do .

" Please.. go back to your room ...I will be fine " Luna spoke almost inaudible closing her eyes. She was just barely conscious and keeping herself to stay awake.

" Would you please shut up ? How many times do i have to say that I am not going anywhere and stop worrying about me." He said getting a little be angry at her stubbornly
" worry about yourself Luna " his spoke softly with so much affection but he knew Luna might not have heard.

Hyunjin thought about ways to reduce her temperature when suddenly he remembered what would his mother used to do when he was child .

When Hyunjin was young he was a weak child and used to get ill frequently. Except placing a wet cloth on his forehead , his mother also used to wipe his body with a cloth to decrease his rising temperature.

' Oh why didn't I think about that ? '
He thought feeling dumb. He looked at her innocent face when he realised how would he do? ' No you have to do this . If her condition worsened , the life of her baby might be in danger '
He knew that her previous miscarriages really broke her apart and if the same thing continues she might not be the same anymore.

It's finally been some days when she is genuinely being happy and now he can't just push her back in the darkness again.

With hesitating hands he touched her top " I am sorry Luna but I have to do this " he was about to slowly pulled her top when he felt her grab his  hand. " ..No " She looked directly at his eyes being afraid. A hint of terror was clearly visible on her face . All those flash backs of her being tortured and ruined by those devils hands flashed upon her eyes and her eyes glossed. 

Hyunjin knew why she was stopping him and why she was so afraid of him . " Don't worry I hurt you . I can never hurt you " he placed his another hand on her hand . " I won't even look at you . I promise. " He assured giving her a promising nod.
" You can trust me "

He felt her loosen her grip on his hand and he smile at her . He was happy that she was finally trust him without any hesitation.




" Do you know Luna when I was always a weak child . Unlike other children I would frequently used to get sick . At the age of 10 , i remember I had a fever and the strangely it was not getting down . Similarly on that day ,it was raining heavy. For the whole night my mom took care of me without sleeping a blink. Telling me stories so that I would not be in pain."

His eyes were closed while cleaning her body . To boost the atmosphere and to be comfortable he started talking to her about his past .

" Where is she right now? " She asked . Her temperature was slowly decreased and now she was feeling a little better than before. Almost to avoid sleep and solve her curiosity.

" She is fine and living with my dad in America. Actually after changes in business I have to live here. She can't just leave her husband and live with me ." Luna saw him pout him a little and she smiled at his cuteness.

She looked at face carefully.  From his closed eyes to this long eyelashes , from his pointed nose to the cute pout on his soft lips. She never did thought about him like that but now when she careful looked at his features he was looking nothing more than a angel.

She looked at his angelic features and realized how different he seems today than everyday at work.  The Hyunjin she knew was completely different from the one was taking care o her.
He is calm, composed, and emotionless but the Hyunjin  infront of her is cute, childish, and innocent.

" And that husband of hers is also your dad " completed Luna " No he is my competitor. This time he won mother but next time I will " Luna mentally chuckled at the thought of both father and son duo fighting for their wife/mother.

Oh how happy they must be to have a family.

" ....are you listening? " Huh? " She came out of her thought when she relised he was talking with her .
" I am saying your temperature is now normal . So are you feeling better now? "

" Yeah better than before "
She nooded anyways with a soft smile. Though he can't see that .

He smiled too and slowly made her wear her a new set of clothes.  " Isn't it done ? " " Done " he opened his eyes and smiled at her.

He looked at the clock and it was almost 4 in the morning . " You should now sleep " he spoke with a sigh .
" And you ? " she asked when she him going towards the sofa " I will be staying here for a while to check if the fever rises again. I can't take any chances. "

" but" "No buts , I will be staying here if you need anything and I am not going anywhere." Hyunjin cut her off .

" Then sleep in this bed "

Her voice stopped him at his tracks. He look at her different emotions at a time . Say it a shock or questionable but he definitely feeling a kind of nervousness which only increased his heartbeat. 

Luna quickly looked away wouldn't able to resist those doe eyes which also raised her heartbeat. 

" I mean to say that ,...this bed is already big enough for two person to sleep comfortably "

She felt her cheeks burning in redness. Same was happening with Hyunjin. He felt a pink tint on his cheeks getting the idea of him sleeping with her on the same bed.

Suddenly a thunder echoed outside the window which made both of them flinch. 

Luna was also scared to stay alone in this thunderstorm. She looked at him with her hopeful cute doe eyes which Hyunjin could never dare to decline it.

  " Stay with me tonight ."

" Please ?"



What do you all think about Hyunjin?

●Do you like thier chemistry ?

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Triple update ends here love you :)

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