Chapter 1 {Rush}

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[Humans' emotions are such a troublesome thing. Every kind of emotion gives us pain. Which one should be expressed? Happiness? That will just make others envious. Then should it be honest and express depression all day? That it'll ruin everyone's mood. Worries, pity, anger, sadness every kind of them causes pain. Either negative or positive emotions are nothing but problematic. This kind of useless thing should just disappear~]

(blurry vision)
Reel : (My body's feeling numb. Am I dead? Or still alive? How so? I can't feel any part of my body! No pain, nothing... . Not even emotion! Almost like a... dead person!)

(Huh! Where am I?.... Did I really die ..?...)

(Looking at a mirror with a blank face)
Reel: (Some of my body parts seem to have been changed! Hair seems to get healthier. Like my past self. But my face doesn't seem to get younger, it's more like a mature version of me. But there's no doubt I didn't time travel! Then, by any chance, did I come to a different world or something? (Shakes head) No no there's no way~ even tho the place is totally unknown to me. People seem no different but feel slightly strange idk what is it tho. I highly doubt this isn't earth!
....Now where should I head to.. ?)

(Have been walking for hours, now kind of feeling tired and thirsty. Don't have any money to buy anything.
Took a seat beside a tiny store. Sitting there with a blank face.)

(A young boy approaches Reel)
Kid: Big sis! What's your name?
Reel: My name.. ?...
(Little smile) it's ...... Venus.

Kid: Venus..? Does it have a meaning?
Reel: Particularly no. But it glows brightest
among the stars, even tho it's not a star.
Kid: Huh..? Kinda difficult! ....
(Both smiles)
Reel: What's yours?
Kid: Ah I'm.....
(Sudden sound of a loud warning bell)
(Some people are running through and screaming)

Kid: MOOOM! No! Viarush is here! Sis, you run away too, or you'll die!
(The young boy escapes with his mother)
Reel: Viarush..? Sounds like virus! What's that.??

( loud noise, trembling, destruction)

(A huge black smoke monster-looking thing comes through, saying in every footstep with a deep voice, "VIA~ VI~A~VI~A)
(Reel freezes for a few seconds)
Reel: WHAT ON EARTH IS IT! There's no way it's Earth!
(She joins to run along with other people)
(While running away, she notices an odd thing. That, very few people far away who aren't running away. They were just slowly walking. Reel approaches them and lends a hand to help them to escape. A small-sized monster-looking gets closer and is saying in a tiny voice, "via~via~ it's via~)

(Reel throws a huge rock at it. But the rock gets blocked and falls to the ground. Nothing happens. It gets closer to that person and before even touching properly it instantly consumes like a magnet and covers their whole body. Like nothing could be seen because of its black coverage. Venus tries to reach out but within a moment it starts to fade out. And that person disappears as well.)
Reel: (frowns, Looks around and gets frightened.)

(All the people seem to be going in a specific direction, maybe gathering in a safe place/shelter.
Reel and others reach a huge hall. The hall was really huge. Probably capacity of around 10k people easily. Everyone goes in through a tiny door. Someone taps two buttons, and the door shuts off when everyone comes inside. Around 200 people takes shelter in that huge hall. Everyone is catching their breath and taking a seat on the ground. The hall is kinda dark but seems quite safe and made with high quality materials, and it also has some supplements for urgent situations. Doesn't look like those monsters can break easily, and there's no sound coming from outside. But the ground's so dry.

Reel calms herself down for a bit. She also takes a seat beside the wall and starts to observe what exactly is happening around her. She needs more time to accept what's actually happening.)
Reel: (are we safe now? How can we be rescued? What will happen to those mons- no.. . Via-rush was it? What will happen to us! ?
These people seem used to this situation as if this had happened a lot before.)
Kid: Are you okay sis?
Reel:( oh, that child from earlier!)
Kid: Were you scared? It's okay. We will be alright now! Viarush can't break into QI Hall!
Reel: (ah, it's called qi hall)
Yeah I'm fine! Are you okay? Are you hurt anywhere?
Kid: Um uh! I'm totally fine! Because I'm really strong! Viarush are scared of me!
Reel: Really! (says with a little eye smile)
So what was that? .. . Your name?
Kid: Oh . It's Kei! And ... come with me
(Kei pulls Venus's hand and goes to his mom)
Kei: This is my mo-
(Smashing sound from outside, whole hall shaking)
Person1: Is viarush trying to crush the QI!
Person2: Is shtone not working? How? Why'd it tho?
Person3: Don't tell me there's via with us!
(Everyone started to make a fuss. "There's no way!". "Why'd via try to escape!" "Is it possible?". "Or did anyone bring via sneakily!?". "No way .. that's horrible". "How could someone!".)
Person3: Hey via come out before things get serious! Where are you, jerk! Hurry up and come out! Are you wanting us to die with you!!
Everyone together: Yes, come out in a hurry! Who's the Via!? Where's Via!?
Hurry up and come out!
Reel: (what they're talking about? What's via? what's shtone?)
(The sound's getting more loud. And the hall started to crumble. Few rays of light coming from outside. All becomes silent with no time.. ...the holes started to get bigger. The door's almost getting knocked out. Everyone getting near to each other, they're all trembling... the door breaks down within a blink. Everyone started screaming and backed down. That huge Viarush gets into the hall. "Via~via~where's via~". People go farther as viarush gets near. Slowly, viarush approaches Kei and Venus. Venus takes a gulp. And she puts Kei and his mother aside her to keep them harmless. Viarush comes closer and says, "via~ via~ it's not via~" and snatches Venus aside. She falls aside on the ground, and her left arm starts to bleeding. As her arms started bleed it gets red and the floor covered with her blood she starts to lose consciousness. Viarush looks at Kei and gets closer and closer. As it got closer, they were backing away.
Someone:(from far away) Hey kid! Move away! Let the viarush take away via!
Person4: I know right! It's dangerous for him! Come to us, kid!
Person5: So his mother was the one!
Person6: How can she do something so reckless? It's so risky for her son!
Person7: I know right! Why'd she give birth when she's losing her emotion!?
Person8: How'd she tho?
(Viarush is getting closer and closer. They were about to touch the south wall of the hall. Kei's mom trembles and pushes away her son)
Kei: Mooommmm!!!
(People from beside catch Kei and hand locks him)
(She takes every situation to her with hazy consciousness )

Venus: (What are they talking about? Who's losing emotion? Who's emotionless?
So... . Kei's mom is about to die! He's witnessing his mom's death? We're letting her die? Not gonna do anything!?

And indeed, I'm incompetent as always. I can't do anything either. (Panting) That means, basically I'm letting them die?

So I'm just staying still because I'm not capable of doing anything? Why? Why tho? What I'm afraid of? Losing a hand? Losing my life? When the heck did I ever cared about what happens to my life? As if I was never ready to throw myself for others!
No! There's no way I can ever dare to save my low life over a mother who's about to die in front of her son!)

Venus: (hardly mumbling in a low and shaky voice) You guys are hella weird! I knew something was definitely off! (Rubs off both eyes) And I wasn't wrong! Because there's no old people here! And saying a middle aged lady supposed to die?
No.. There's no way I could afford to witness that! Even if there's a reason behind it!
(Venus stands up slowly while limping with her unstable self)
Venus: Even if it costs my life... I'll never accept to stay still... I'll make sure you beasts gasp for air before I take my last breath! Cause I'm.. ... really.. ......

(then her unstable so called footsteps become faster, and races to the viarush. While she getting close a bundle of red string sticks out from the tip of her fingers. Those strings expand and get sturdy, then stab from numerous directions of its body parts.. . In a flash of time, viarush fades while flickering along with her red strings.)

Venus: (gets on her knees and stares at her palms with blurred vision)
What just happened? Did I defeat that viarush? How did I? What were those red things? Was it my blood? Was it... a kind of
(Then she collapses on the ground and loses her conscious )

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