Chapter 8 {Some familiar eyes}

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[flashback; (Venus from the above of the backyard wall)
Venus: Ah right! I need the part 1 tho? You don't have it?
Felis: Yes. It's kind of rare because it's really old and demand is low.
Venus: That's troubling! I don't think I can ask someone from the palace...
Felis: ..... I'll get you! I know a library where I can find.. probably...
Venus: Really! Thanks! That'll be really helpful. Then let's meet up in front of that store again. Sunday at 9 in the morning! Then~ I'll be waiting!
(jumps inside of the palace)]

Venus: (phew ~ that was really close! I almost got caught! Even tho I left a memo, I hope Veronica doesn't panic much!)
(reaches the store. This time the store was open. Felis was already there. Venus folds her sleeve. Checks time)
Venus: (There's still some time left for the meet up tho~)
(their eyes meet. Venus rise up her hand and gives a signal. Felis responds with a small nod. He opens up his large bag and takes out the "Eun & Earth Pt1".)
Venus: Thanks for keeping the promise! But hold it for now. We need to visit somewhere first!
Felis: Ehh!
Venus: I need to check out the Qi hall to see how the work's going!
Do you've anything to do after?
Felis: I don't tho....
Venus: Then let's us go~
(He smelled like a book.. . How much time did he spend in the library? Did it take long to search...?...)
(They were walking with a sufficient amount of distance. Venus was ahead of him. He was looking down and watching his step to avoid bumping anyone. Venus sometimes slows down and matches to his pace and walks along.)
Venus: Do you often go to the library?
Felis: Sometimes I guess...
Venus: I'm feeling bad for keep asking favours!
Felis: It's okay! I'm free anyway~ .... I mean I couldn't get a job yet ... so I've got lots of free time!
Venus: Ahh I see~ Still I'm really grateful, I was saved thanks to you~
Felis: I particularly did nothing (in a tiny voice) you've done all by yourself!
(They come across a market. It was quite busy. Felis tries to avoid people but he ends up bump to someone and fells to the ground)
Venus: Are you okay? (bends and reaches out her hand)
Felis: Yeah ....
(the worn out old shoe almost got separated from its sole.)
Venus: Ah! Your shoe! You won't be able to walk with that. What to do! Wanna exchange? Your house is near anyway!
Felis: (stands up instantly) NO WAY!....
I ... mean you can't .. no! I didn't (rubs finger with guilty)
Venus: I didn't mean to burge in again! I know I shouldn't do this twice! It's mannerless!
Felis: (looks away) (I didn't... mean that...)
Venus: Then... let's just call it a day?-
Felis: No~
Venus: Ahh.. (confused face)
Okay come with me~ (pulls by his wrist)
(They come to a shoe store. Venus boughts him new one)
Felis: It'd have been useful if it was fixed! You really didn't have to buy a new one!
Venus: It's okay. I owe you a lot anyway. Let me at least repay with it!
Though it's nothing compared to your help!
Venus: (surrounds her purple shina around his wrist and pulls him)
If you ruin this too it'll be troublesome. I can't afford another one as I don't have much money with me. I sneaked out of the palace!
Felis: Again! .... .
(they start walking again)

(they reach the Qi hall. Vi1 has already started working there. That huge hall started being a little bit busy. The inside of the hall started to look a bit bright but wasn't lively at all. Felis was standing on a side while Venus walking around and observing everything. Everyone was so quiet, especially Vi1. And there's no word needed for Vias. They were there like coma patients as if time had stopped for them. And Vi1 was there like a robot which would move around and work with someone's signal! Every one of them had blackest eyes as if even light wouldn't reflect. Their dead eyes look so exhausted as if they're having a hard time breathing, for living. Still they're continuing with a blank face. Their expressions were so sympathetic.

Some moments later)
Venus: (clenched fists, lets it go. Goes back to Felis) Let's go~ If I take too much time then Veronica might come out of the palace to search me.

(As they came outside, few people were still coming to Qi hall with Vias.)
Young girl: It's a relief right grandpa! You also have a place to live. Now it won't be cold at night. There will be lots of people so you won't feel lonely.
Someone from beside: What do you mean "lonely". Grandpa is already a ViA! How could he feel something when he is emotionless! Stop being weak hearted and let's go back home already!

(Few moments later)
Venus: We should head back too!
(they started walking toward the palace. Venus's blue shina was surrounded by Felis's wrist. After walking a while Felis stops abruptly. Venus gets slightly pulled by her own shina. She looks back at him. Felis was looking at a small plant, planted in mud. He approaches it and starts digging it gradually. Felis comes back to Venus with that small plant onto his hand. He was holding onto it gently.)
Felis: It's a Mimosa pudica (while looking at the plant).
This plant is really sensitive. It couldn't survive there for long~
(Venus touches it with her gentle fingertips. Its starts to compressed slowly by her touch)
Venus: (smiles gently) You like plants?
Felis: (small blush and looks away) Well... yeah kinda ... They seem so peaceful and quiet. I feel like if I could hear their sound it would be really calming to hear.
Venus: (found smiling) Perfect! Would you like to come to the palace?
I was actually searching for someone who could look after a garden! Since I'd be spending my most leisure time there, so if the person is someone my acquaintance then it'd be really comfortable.
Also residence and other facilities will be provided from the palace.
(Felis looks away)
Venus: It's okay! You don't have to rush tho! Take your time to think about it. I will wait.
You will be welcomed any time. Of course Mimo as well! <indicates the plant>
Felis: (looking down, small blushes) Well ... I'll think about it...

(When they get near the market. It was less busier than morning. But some people were gathered like they were discussing something. They got near to them and their conversation could be heard clearly. Venus stops walking and listens to them.)
Person1: What's the new ruler's deal huh? Gathering those all emotionless. Giving away Qi hall to them! Is she upto or something!?
Person2: I want to say the same! They're even gathering the Vi1 there! At this rate 50 years ago tragedy will occur again! Already East side always gets more Viarush! We'll lose lots of properties! Even "Great Shina" is located here!
Person3: Shouldn't we have to do something about it? We can't let this happen though!
Person4: Then what should we do? Cancel her? Then who is going to protect us from Qi0? It'll appear anytime soon!
Person3: We don't have to go that far? We could just protest!
Person2: But will that work? I heard even court officials couldn't go against her!
Person3: We have no other options! Our life depends on it!
Person1: That's true! We have to do something! We can't sit back and just watch!
Person4: Well I agree too!

(Felis suddenly pulls her and starts walking. After a little bit later he stops.)
Venus: (from behind) What's wrong? Oh.. you have to go right!?
Felis: Not that!
Venus: (comes closer) Ah~ Don't mind about that. Actually I don't mind it either ~ I'm particularly patrolling for these! Not only for vias also for other people! I need to know about their thoughts and opinions as well! They need to be considered too!
(let's out her shina)!
Felis: (looks at her) It's the shina stone hill.
Venus: ...?
Felis: The great shina they were talking about.... I thought you'd be curious. If not then nevermind ~
Venus: Noh I was. Thanks~
Felis:'re welcome. (hands over the book while looking down, greets and parted away)

(Venus arrives at the palace. She sneaks in silently)
Venus: Ah that startled me!
Veronica: What were you doing! Where were you all day!
Venus: I went out for a bit.
Veronica: Where!?
Venus: To Qi hall-
Veronica: WHY WOULD YOU DO THAT! You know that's________
Venus: (tries to cover her ear with shina) Oh It doesn't work! I can still hear!
Veronica: Rstricted area for you! (In bg)
Irene: Your highness! (Running towards to them)
Veronica: It's not even a week that last incident occurred!
Venus: (waves at Irene)
Veronica: how can you go outside already!
Irene: Where have you been, your highness!? We were worried and looked for you all day!
Veronica: And it's Qi hall out of all place!
Venus: Why? I left a note Though! No one saw it?
Veronica: How can you be so reckless!
Irene: What you left a note!? Wish I had seen it! We were worried for nothing!
Veronica: Are you listening your highness!
Venus: So no one found it!?
Irene: I did not though~
Veronica: I did! Were you listening, your highness! When will you stop being reckless!

Venus: (Sigh~ holds Veronica with her both hands) Veronica, take a deep breath!
That's right!
Where did the last incident occur?
Veronica: Here!?
Venus: That's right! That means being in the palace can't guarantee my safety fully! Also you're aware of my capability! What are you worried for! Even if something happens I have my Healer. <indicates Irene>
Irene: "My Healer "? (Touched, smilingly blushing) I'm Highness's Healer..?

(While they were busy talking to themselves. Sound of sudden warning bell. Everyone freezes.)

Venus: So finally!? Shall we go then?

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