Chapter 12 { What's real what's fake?}

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(Suddenly Luna rush to them)
Luna: Forgive me your highness! But you might need to come downstairs immediately! We've got an issue!
Veronica: What's going on? Explain it first!
Venus: Let's hear it on the way. (Grabs her robe) As we need to hurry.
(All of them walk quickly on the scene. And it was literally hectic. Everyone was gathered where a man somehow broke inside the palace with a quite big sized knife and was headlocking Irene.)
Veronica: What's this commotion! (gasp)
What's in the world-
Venus: (stifles with fear)

Man: Where's the Queen!? Why isn't she here yet! Call her out! Call her! Or I'll scatter this neck! Call her! Immediately!
Venus: (comes down) I am here.
So can you let her go now!
Irene: (In weeping voice) Your highness ~
Man: So you're the one!
I'm not letting her till you let go of those Vias!
If you don't want to see her dying then immediately free those Vias and let Viarush to take them!
Venus: Woa woa (hand gesture). Calm down. This <knife> could hurt yourself as well. Put it down first. This shouldn't be a way you should ask for a request! Let's take it easy! (Gets closer)
Veronica: Don't! Look out!
Man: (flash the knife at Venus face with instant)
Stop being ridiculous! What! Take it easy? Calm down? (Scoffs) Is that a situation to calm down!?
Veronica: (tries to gets closer) How dare you point knife at-
Venus: (stops Veronica) Step back! Don't panic! Don't worry!
Veronica: But~
Man: (scoffs) Aren't you too relaxed!? ( knifepoint back to Irene's neck) Do you think I can't hurt her? (Squeezes down knife into her neck. Few drops of blood flows down)
Irene: (in shaken voice) Highness- (
(Slowly closes eyes)
Venus: (frowns, tries not to faze) So what's gonna happen if I freed the Vias?
Man: .....That's obvious so we can survive! 50 years tragedy won't repeat again!
Venus: Means Qi0 going to appear because of not letting the Vias to die?
Man: Ye. S. That's right! You making that way! You're trying to kill all of us!
Venus: Really? (Folds arm) Then how did you come up thinking you can threaten me with someone else's life like her?
Irene: (sudden wide eyes, slowly tear drops) Noo~
Venus: (little smirk and it disappears gradually)
Man: ....... You-!!

Man: You are... For (Taken back, loses some strength) Real!
(Venus hunches the opportunity. Instantly grabs the knife with a bare hand. For a moment her shina goes out of control and it spreads out everywhere within a second! Then she proceeds to grip her shina strings and surrounds all over his body tightly. So he couldn't move an inch. Whilst Irene backs away while toppling. Veronica catches her.
The man completely loses strength to his arm and lets go of the knife. Venus yanks away the knife along with her shina and jabs him over the guards behind. Guards hand-locks him and starts to drag.)


(It took a while to calm down the situation.
Everyone started to leave the scene gradually. And the situation starts to cool down.)


[In the office room]
(Irene surrendered to Veronica. Her neck was tied with a small scarf. Veronica was literally glaring at her. The silence was so loud.)
Venus: Go easy on her. She is already frightened! It's not even her fault~
Irene: (holding back tears at all cost)
I'm terribly sorry! (Keep bowing)
Veronica: Enough! Go check on her highness. In case she's hurt anywhere.
Irene: Yes. (Goes to Venus)
Venus: I am completely fine!
Veronica: Hand! Check her hand!
(Venus little sigh. Shows her right palm. It had a slight cut and slightly bleeding. Irene couldn't hold back her tears anymore. She holds Venus' palm with both hands and slowly her blue shina covers up her hand. Shina also arises through her teary eyes. Venus' shina rises as well. And it gets healed within a moment.)
Venus: (stunned) That's so amazing ~
Thanks again!
Irene: (sniffles. Bows)
Veronica: You could have just handled it with shina! Why would you grab it with your bare hand! It could have turned into a big deal!
Venus: Sorry I had lost control for a second! Sorry you had to go through this kind of situation because of me. <Irene>
Irene: (sobbing, disagree shakes) no~
Venus: Now go rest and calm yourself down. Also get healed as well.
Irene: Yes, your highness.
Venus: Luna!
Luna: Yes!
(Venus gives sign to help and escort Irene)
Luna: (bows) Yes!
(Both leaves. Silence for a moment.)
Veronica: (sighs) Next time if a similar situation occurs please stay away and let the guards handle it instead!
Venus: Same situation shouldn't occur again in the palace. Don't you agree?
Veronica: Forgive us your highness. We'll tighten the security!
Venus: Mmm. I'm counting on you!
Also check on the man and give me data about him.
Veronica: Noted.
Then I'll go right away.

Irene: (side eying Luna) It's enough! You don't need to follow me anymore!
Luna: I'm not really fo llo ing you! Her highness told me-
Irene: Don't bother! I'm not a kid! I've worked here longer than you. I don't need your help! I can take care of myself!
And don't worry her highness won't know about it~
Luna: Well as you wish~ (walks away)

Irene: (at a chamber) Is she not here?
Court lady1: Oh look who's here!
(Almost everyone gathers.)
Court lady2: Are you okay!?
You must have been scared!
Court lady3: Are you here to get treated!?
Court lady1: But today she is absent though ~
Irene: (gutted) Ah is that so?
Then I'll come next time~ (leaves)

Court lady3: What's that! She could have asked someone else!
Who was she searching for though?
Court lady1&2: The Head Healer ~

Irene: (at front of cell of that man) You really shouldn't have dig your own grave~

(Luna was patrolling that area. She notices Irene. Their eyes mets.)
Luna: (why is she..? ) (approaches her) What are you doing!? Why didn't you get healed yet!?
Irene: (walks away) Not your business ~


[research room]
Ozaya: So what's your thinking now!?
Ozey: About what?
Ozaya: Stop pretending! You saw it!
Her shina! How was it!?
Wasn't it quite pretty?~
Ozey: Not sure~ But rather than pretty wasn't it odd!?
Ozaya: What do you mean?
Ozey: You didn't find something off?
Irene: What are you guys talking about?
(Ozey & Ozaya both looks at Irene)

(Venus quietly observing the garden. Few moments later Felis comes to the garden and dashed to Venus with small run when he sees her.)
Felis: Are you okay?.... Your highness..
Venus: Yeah I'm totally fine. (Shows palm) Even hand's fully healed!
And you don't have to polite here as well. At least when none is around.
Felis: (looks at her) Okay ~
But is it okay!?
Venus: What?
Felis: For someone like me to be here? I mean someone better could've fit here than me! Also I don't know quite well about herbal-
Venus: I told you the reason already! I don't need someone professional. Also you can make that into quite right?
Felis: (small soft smile) If you don't mind Would you like me to brew a tea for you now!?
Ah! I can't be overconfident but it'll be quite good!.... Hopefully-
Venus: (soft smile) Sure why not!~

(Few moments later Felis comes back with a tea while Venus having a seat there.)
Felis: (Places the tea on the table) This is Valerian tea. Its flower can be used for tea as well but It's yet to bloom so I used the roots only. It is good for insomnia!
Venus: Perfect! That's what I needed.
(Smells the tea. Thinks about something.)
You know well though~
Felis: Well- I never .... (In a tiny voice) Said I'm totally unaware either!...
Venus: (Soft smiles.
Concerns about something) (Well~) (about to take a sip)
Felis: (Stops her abruptly) Right!
It's need to be check beforehand!

Venus: Yeah but nevermind ~ Veronica is currently away anyway.
Felis: Then at least let me-
Venus: Don't bother- It's okay ~
(Takes a sip. Smiles softly.)
Felis: Is that okay now?
Venus: ... Yeah ~ Till now you've showed only good sides. If I still suspect you then I'll be the problematic here. Also I was benefited so many times by you!
Felis: (Good sides only?) Then what if I start to show some bad sides?
Venus: Mmm... Isn't that still okay..? I mean none does have good sides only! Since you've shown only good ones it's okay to show other sides as well. It's even okay to not show if you want to.
And don't worry I'm not the type of person who willingly sets high exceptions and gets disappointed all alone!
So be relaxed ~
Felis: (grips a fist)
(why.. someone like me...?)


(Felis kept looking at Venus' eyes. Venus looks at Felis and he looks away.)

Venus: (soft smile) Why? Is it because....

[D.S] Ozey: You also probably noticed it too! That-
(Irene, Ozaya looked at Ozay with curiosity)

Venus: I don't have [Ozey: She doesn't
shina eyes! have shina eyes]

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