Chapter 14 {Pieces of memory}

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(Venus in deep thoughts. Habitual tapping.
Tensed situation. The reason behind Odin's death has still not been discovered.)
Venus: (Why did something like this happen!? (Anxious scratching) What's the reason!? What should I have done?~

Right! I should have paced up a bit!

Maybe this could've been prevented!)

(Veronica,Luna, Irene and some of the court ladies and guards gathered in the office room.
Those who were in charge of guarding Odin were literally kneeling in front of Venus.)
Guard: We swear, your highness! We were there the whole time! We didn't leave it even for a second! This time we were obedient!
Veronica: Yes your highness! Since we had so many things going on we tightened our protection! They were on standby all the time by shifting.
Venus: (Since his body didn't disappear that means it wasn't Viarush's done! They how...??)
Then why can't you tell what was the cause?
(Everyone silence)
Venus: Luna!
Luna: Yes, your highness?
Venus: How does your strength work? Do you start seeing from the recent or backward?
Luna: Yes. It starts from the recent, then as time passes I can see the older one!
Venus: (in deep thought) (Since the last time I saw him was yesterday then checking everyone's only last 1 day's memory will be enough! That can give me a lot of hints! But by any chance, in any chances if it's a murder then it includes Luna as well! That means I can't even tell if she lies about someone's memory!

Outself ability..? How does that work!? Will that even work with Luna's strength? Well, it needs to be checked! Then i'll know~)
Venus: I'll be checking everyone's last day's memory to gather information! Let everyone know about it! <Veronica>
Veronica: Okay, your highness! Then I'll go right away!

Luna: (Did she just said "I")
Venus: You guys <to guards and court ladies> can leave for now!
(everyone leaves gradually. Only Luna & Irene were left)
Venus: (even if that outself ability works that way it still won't work on Luna anyway.)
(looks at Irene. Irene looks at Venus with curious and confuse eyes. Then Venus looks at Luna.)
Venus: Luna! Can you hand over some of your shina?
Luna: Yes. Ye-s?
(Both of them confused)
Venus: (reach out her hand) Give it to me-
Luna: (tiny head tilts. Still confused)
As you command!
(Process to take out some of her orange shina and hands her over.)
Venus: (kinda unusual! why can't I feel anything!? As if I'm touching air! Is it because she isn't controlling it anymore?)
Now Irene come over!
(Both extremely confused.
Irene comes near.)
Venus: Give me your hand!
Irene: (nervous and confused) Yes.
(Reach out her hand. Venus holds onto it)
Luna: (Don't tell me she's trying to see memory-! Will that work-)

(Venus closes her eyes. Irene is anxious. Tense situation!)


[Memory flashback;
Irene: You're really good looking as rumoured!

Veronica: Whatever you're trying to hide, spill it right away only then you'll be less punished!

Veronica: (disbelief) Are you being serious! You've been scamming for years but yet you're asking for more! Who gives you the right to!

Veronica: Be thankful you're only fired, not punished!]

[flashback; Irene: (kneels down) Please I'm begging! Give me some time. Besides the lie, I've been working here decently for almost a decade. Please don't take my job expeditiously. Give me some time to sort out some things!
(In 8 years of working here for the first time I felt worthy. Noh~ not only 8 years, in my whole life for the first time I wasn't abandoned. I was needed by someone and appreciated. Even if it's temporary and there's a lie in it, I want to feel this moment a little bit longer.)
Please, I'm begging. I don't have any ulterior motive. I just want to serve her highness a little bit longer. I promise I'll do it duly.
Veronica: (hesitates, sigh~) ....
Okay. But I can't give you much time!
Irene: (gets up, repeatedly bowing) Thank you so much. Thank you so much. I will do my best!
Veronica: But don't let her highness find out about this. I don't want her to be bothered by every little thing.
Irene: Okay I'll keep that in my mind.]

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