Chapter 4 {Forcefully}

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Guy: Those are emotions. Emotions are the strength of the people here.
(Looks down, walks away and merges with the people)

(Venus stays still for a minute. Lots of questions get solved in a few seconds. She looks around and starts looking for him. But he was already gone. A while, later she ends up coming back to that store again)
Veronica: (rushes to Venus) Your highness!
How can you get lost!
Venus: I didn't! He did! (still searching by looking around).
Veronica: Pardon?... We're getting back now, your highness!
Venus: Okay but I'm taking her (points at the painting)
Veronica: As you command.
Where's your coat anyway?
Venus: I gave it to this gentleman~ (points with palms)
Veronica: Why'd you give it to a ViA! Why'd you go near your highness!? That's dangerous!
Venus: Okkay! Another one!
Veronica: Pardon..?...

(Few hours later after arriving.)

Venus: (making fist, letting it out. Every time she loosen her palm, purple flames appear.)
(So these were emotions! That was really close! Ugh! At least if I had seen his face or any clue ~ sigh ~
Well for now, the most needed mystery is solved! Now I can control my own strength. That was the first priority!)
(Tries to turns into multiple shapes; circle, triangle, scaler, lengthen, knots, unties, loosen up, splashes~
Hits a vase, about to fall. Caughts it with shina string, and places it)
Phew~ that close!
(Vase breaks down on the spot)
Ahem ~

(But how did he know exactly which answer I was looking for? "People here"? By any chance Is he also-...)

(Calls out for Veronica through other court lady)
Venus: (and for that one <indicates ViA>, I got several clues but still can't be cleared up yet)
Veronica: Yes, your honour, You were looking for me? What just happened? (Looking at the vase, the maid was cleaning up) Are you not hurt anywhere?
Venus: Noh, I'm good.
And inform everyone, I'm holding a meeting tomorrow! I need to discuss about something important.
Veronica: Forgive me your highness, may I ask you what's about?
Venus: You'll find out simultaneously.
Veronica: Then, I'll let everyone know, your highness!

(Next morning, everyone gathered for the announcement.)
Venus: (to Veronica) Have you guys come up with any solution for Qi hall yet?
Veronica: Not yet, your highness!
Venus: Perfect! Starting from today all the ViA will be living there at least until y'all come up with a solution.
(Everyone started to make chaos)
Venus: (I'm not sure about anything but kinda can get it that they're particularly abandoning those people! In that Qi hall incident; they were ready to throw a completely fine person. Highly doubt they'll do anything about it! They are just waiting for Viarush to come and get them!)
Veronica: What in the world you were thinking about!
Venus: You guys weren't planning to do anything anytime soon!
Veronica: That's not true your highness!
Venus: Viarush appearing irregular now! It's been 3 days already! Don't know when they'll show up again! Asked me to not worry but you all are barely doing anything!
WHC (west head councillor): But we still cannot provide Qi hall to via! That'll be a huge risk for us! And It took years to make it. We can't let it destroy it anymore!
NHC: Not only that. If you hide vias and viarush can't find them, they'll destroy everything of course including Qi hall and the palace.
SHC: We know people come first but properties are important too! We can't lose properties, or put ourselves in danger because of vias!
Venus: Don't worry! That time I'll defeat those viarush!
Veronica: Your highness!
NHC: There's no way we could let that happen! What if your highness loses your life while fighting them! We can't let the same tragedy to repeat, like 50 years ago! We can't put all of us in danger for ViA's sake!
Please reconsider your decision!
Everyone: YES! Reconsider your decision! Reconsider it!
(Everyone making chaos)
Venus: Sigh~
(She lets out her red shina and surrounds the throne. The throne slowly starts to float with her. Everyone becomes speechless. They get frightened. They were frowning out of fear.)
Someone: Is it even possible to do something like that with shina!?
(Everyone starts making a fuss again! Venus gets down back to its place along with the throne.)
Venus: As you all can see my shinas are beyond stronger than y'all can expect!
I want you all to have faith in me. And leave it to me to handle. You can't predict everything based on the late king! Give me opportunities to prove my capabilities. Watch me how I can handle the situations. If I sense any danger I'll back down on spot and leave it to the other rushers.
NHC: But what's the purpose of doing it!? Why'd you do that, your highness! They're near to death anyway!
Venus: (in a light voice) Because I... [flashback; her past self] couldn't ignore those eyes!...
People who are jobless right now can work here. Of course volunteering is acceptable. If via's family members or anyone else willing to give a hand will be gladly accepted!
Veronica: Who'd provide their living expenses?! Please don't tell me your highness....
Venus: Particularly yes. But as I said, if anyone willing to help out and donate will be gladly accepted!
Any further questions or queries inform me through Veronica. Then dismissing! (gets up and heading to her royal office)
Veronica! Command every royal guard to gather all the vias in Qi hall by tonight if possible. (Veronica following her)
Veronica: Certainly your highness's shina is superior but you have to remember how the deceased king died. He wasn't lacking-
(Venus stops walking and looks at Veronica)
Venus: As you weren't aware of my shina capability you don't know about my mental health either. Don't worry, my mental health is strong too!
And call out the researcher for me. I'll be waiting at the chamber.
Veronica: Understood.

(Veronica enters the room)
Veronica: Your highness, today we've both researchers present. Who'd you want me to bring!?
Venus: Good, call them both.
Veronica: Understood.
(A few moments later a male researcher with good features enters the room along with Ozaya. He was wearing similar patterned clothes as Ozaya. Even his hair was similar to Ozaya. It was pure white. They give a similar vibe as if they're blood related. Both of them bow.)
Ozaya: Good noon your highness. This one is-
Male researcher: It's Ozey my queen. Pleasure to meet you. From now on I'll be in care~
Venus: (no doubt they're related!)
<To Ozaya> Any updates for the books?
(Both together)
Ozaya & Ozey: Yes your highness. I hope this is the one you're looking for!
Venus: (no doubt) Okay hand it over.
(Ozey gets near and hands over the book written "Defeating Viarush" on it. Just by looking at the title she gets disappointed, curls her brows and touches her forehead with her fingers.)
Ozey: Are you feeling unwell my queen!?
Venus: (not this one again!) It's okay. I'm good. (Looks at Ozey) Mmm, watching you from near... You do really-
Ozey: (smirks and places his hand to his chest.) I'm honoured, my queen.
I quite get that a lot.
Venus: (sense wrong) Get what?
Ozey: That I am quite good loo-
Venus: Not that! I meant you two really do look alike.
Why? You don't get that one, much?
Ozey: (backs off a little) Yes, we do kind of but that's because we're twins.
Venus: (Indeed!) Thanks for this one. <indicates the book>
But still keep on searching. Bring it to me if you find more.
Ozey&Ozaya: Noted! (Both bows)
Ozaya: Then~
(Both comes out)
Ozey: She's so odd!
Ozaya: I agree with you!
Ozey: I mean, how can she not praise my beauty!? So rude!
Ozaya: (disappointed face) Look who's talking!
Well yeah, It's not much appreciating to hear we look alike!
Ozey: That's my line though. Brat you should be grateful when someone says you look like me, you non-pretty younger sis!
Ozaya: Yeah yeah~ my dear one minuted older brother. But don't get sick again ~
Ozey: Jeez!

Venus: (with a concerned face) (knew this won't be helpful either. Maybe only going out could give more hints)
(Veronica comes with meal.)
Venus: Don't bother! I'll be heading back to my room. Bring it there.
Veronica: Understood.
Venus: How's the progress going?
Veronica: Yes they might be able to finish by today.
Venus: Okay!

(Hours later Veronica visits the royal room)
Veronica: Good evening, your highness. I bought you a late night herbal tea. Please drink it while it's warm. (Hands it to Venus. Backs off and stays still with a cryptic face.)
Venus: (Something seems a bit off!) (Tilts head, smells and takes a sip of the tea.) What's wrong!? Do you've something to say? Did they finish moving?
Veronica: Pardon?
(Venus suddenly started feeling dizzy..
Veronica rushes to her and grabs Venus.)
Veronica: Are you okay, your highness?
Venus: (looks at Veronica with hazy vision)
Veronica: (grinning)
(Her eyes turns bright and colourful
and body gets fully covered up with gray shina and she turns into Venus including the getup, while Venus loses her consciousness and collapses.)

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