Chapter 11 {Shoe also can-}

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(The past few days Luna has been tagging along Venus everywhere for the whole day.
Venus reading; Luna beside her.
Venus eating; Luna beside.
Venus' about to go sleep; Luna-)
Venus: It's time to sleep though. Also I asked you something right..?
Luna: Oh forgive me your highness. I'll be outside then~ (leaves instant)
Venus: I don- mean- (small forehead slamp)
(Sighs) (then when will she res-...? My goodness! Indeed such an oddball!)

(Next morning. Venus getting into simple non-royal clothes.)
Luna: Your highness, are you stepping out somehow? Should I inform Veronica?
Venus: Yeah tell her I'm going to "Great shina" along with you.
Luna: (stifles, tensed) Me too-?
Venus: Of course.. Otherwise Veronica won't let me go...
Luna: Understood!
I'll prepare for the leave immediately.

(Within a while they reach the Great shina. It didn't take much time to arrive. It was a huge colourful hill surrounded by heavy and strict royal guards and located right behind the palace. There was nothing much to see. Venus was roaming and observing around while Luna was sitting under a tree.)

[D.S; in the palace]
(Irene comes out of the research room with a big smile.)
Veronica: What are you doing here!?
Irene: (stifles, smile fades away instant)
Veronica: Why are you coming out of here?
Irene: Um m~ I had a little business here-
Veronica: What business would you've here?
Irene: .... (Avoiding eye contact)
Veronica: Didn't I already tell you to take leave for today?
Irene: (Whatever happens; leave for today, leave for today continuously!)
Veronica: Her highness went out along WITH LUNA-
Irene: But when she's back-
Veronica: She'll come back late so call it a day!
And we're here for her also Luna is! So you don't have to be concerned!
Irene: (eye rolls) Yeeess~ (about to leave-)
Veronica: And also-
I hope you won't take too long and bring us any more troubles!
(Veronica leaves before her. Irene stays still for a while with a blank face.)

Luna: (spacing out. She touches inside her clothes and takes out a pendant from inside. It was silver coloured.)
Venus: Thanks for waiting.
Luna: (Gets up immediately, shoves the pendant inside instant.) Oh you are done, your highness!?
Venus: Yeah. There was nothing much to see anyway.
It was a kite right?
Luna: Yes? ....
Yes. <about her pendant>
Venus: Do you like kites?
Luna: Well... I guess..
Venus: Then will that work- (takes out some orange shina and makes a kite with a long string. She increases the length of the string and it slowly gets higher and higher. Then let it go and it slowly flows away with the gentle wind) Oh it did! It can flow!
Luna: (was looking up at it fondly)
That's right!
Venus: (soft smile) Rather than-
(Luna shakes head , gets herself together and stands in discipline while looking down.)
Venus: Sticking around me all day, just keep on checking at the sky instead. If I need you for something I'll call you like this.
Luna: (looks at Venus) Yes?
Venus: I hope you elaborate.
So answer..?
Luna: Understood.
Venus: Let's go back then~
(Starts walking)
Venus: Also I requested you to do something! How is that going?
Luna: Yes, your highness. It's going smoothly without any issues. But none has appeared.
Venus: Your sure you didn't miss out.
Luna: Yes. Hopefully ~
Venus: (little scoffs) "Hopefully"?
Luna: Yes-
Venus: Yeah let's just hope~

(There's some work being done inside the palace. Venus is observing their work. They were working on a garden more like a greenhouse on the 2nd floor's big balcony which was located not too far from Venus's room. Veronica appears.)
Veronica: Your highness, you are already back!
Venus: Yeah ~ It didn't take much time today!
To be honest there was nothing much to see!
Veronica: Did you get what you were trying to find!?
Venus: I wonder ~
Veronica: ...
But you could get some rest whilst it's being done. You just came back!
Venus: No~ I need to check something in person.
Veronica: Okay then I'll prepare a gardener. Let me know if you need anything els-
Venus: No need! Someone will come soon.. Hopefully
Veronica: ... Someone.. Who?
Venus: Someone my acquaintance.
Veronica: That's-..
Luna: (rushes to Venus) Your highness,
That suspicious person appeared!
Venus: (He's not a suspicious person though!)
Perfect timing! Show him the way here.
Veronica: Suspicious person!? Who! Where! Why here!?
Venus: (sighs)

(Luna brought Felis to them. Felis was wearing a kind of different and proper outfit. Felis greets Venus.)
Venus: (gets closer, bends, strokes the plant he was holding) Welcome Mimo ~ I was afraid that I might not be able to see you again! Thanks for coming!
(Looks up at Felis, soft smiles.)
(Felis looks down, small blushes, and that plant scrunches by Venus's touch)
Venus: (soft smirks) (these two
are kinda alike!)
Veronica meet him ~
Felis: (greets while looking down) It's Felis.
Venus: He'll going to be in charge of taking care of here!
Veronica: (Gets closer. In quiet voice) This suspicious person!?
Venus: (sighs) Veronica! (With a gentle smile) Be nicer. He isn't someone suspicious! He is my guest. I requested him to come.
Veronica: But still we can't allow anyone to work in the palace like this!
We need proper information!
and need to confirm his qualifications before hiring-
Venus: He actually knows a lot about trees and herbal tea which might be really good for my health! Isn't he just perfect for here?
Felis: (disbelief) (me? I know what!?)
Veronica: (feeling convinced) ...Ou is that so?!.. B-
Luna: (ehh?)
Venus: And show him the way to fill up the resume now and also where he'll be staying.
Veronica: Yes...? (Convinced without agreement) This way- <Felis> (head tilt, confused)
Luna: (ehh that easily!?)

Venus: You as well-
Luna: Yes?
Venus: I want you to address him with respect. He is now part of the royal official!
Luna: (gets on one knee) Forgive me for such an unpleasant behaviour of mine! I'll be careful from now on!
Venus: Get up. You really don't have to apologise though~
Luna: (gets up) Yes!
Venus: Good work!
Luna: (Bows) My pleasure.

(Felis hands over the resume to Veronica after filling up. Veronica checking-

Name: Felis
Age- 27
Vi- none
Speciality- Shina detector)

Veronica: (What! Shina detector? He is as well?

No matter however I think, something seems suspicious about him! Should I check his Shin-)
[flashback; Venus: Be nicer. He is my guest.]
(I shouldn't act reckless! It might upset her highness.)

Then allow me to escort you where you'll be staying ~
(They start walking and Veronica keeps looking at Felis with suspicious side eyes and Felis avoiding eye contact at all cost.)

(Venus was again reading part 1 in the office room.)
Venus: ( Maybe because it was written almost 3 centuries ago this whole book was written with so many predictions except one thing. Which I already had a hunch for it!)
("Eun's time is advanced. About 3-4 years ahead than Earth. So whoever comes from the Earth they become 3-4 years older than their original age. It can be calculated by their last month on Earth to their first on Eun. And total gaps converted into years and added to their real age.")
(It was kind of obvious because my head to toe seemed to growed up. But which was it...? Was it New Yea-)
(Veronica enters and greets)
Venus: (closes the book) What is it?
Veronica: I just came with (hands over the resume.)
In case it needs to be verified.
(Curious and suspicious gaze)
Venus: (takes a glance) Okay. Anything else?
Veronica: Is everything okay? Just making sure if all the information is legit or not. As only your highness will know. Or we will-
Venus: You don't have to be bothered by that! Where's he?
Veronica: I just escorted him to his residence.
Venus: Good work!
Veronica: Then- (about to leave- turns around) Forgive me your highness! No
Matter how much I try, I can't help but suspect him! He seems so suspicious!
Venus: That's because you keep suspecting him! That's why he can't relax!
Veronica! You're making him uncomfortable!
Veronica: Still! I'm aware that it might offend you but let me at least check beforehand when he'll be serving tea. Even "Tea" itself makes me anxious!
Venus: (soft chuckles) Okay.
Veronica: Oh right! Are you still having trouble of sleeping? If then I'll request for-

(Suddenly Luna rushes to them)
Luna: Forgive me your highness! But you might need to come downstairs immediately. We've got an issue!

[flashback; (On Luna's first day as royal worker)
Venus: Your first task is...
A person might visit the palace soon. Who is around my age (process to explain every detail about Felis.) He might hesitate to enter and just roam around. So I want you to keep an eye on there and inform immediately when he shows up.
Luna: Leave it to me. (Bows)
(Tiny head tilts) (That's so weird!)

Felis: (in front of the palace, roaming around, avoiding eye contact from the guards, hesitating.) (should I go or not? She probably even forgot! It's already been days! I shouldn't have come!)

Luna: (spotted him) ( So suspicious!
That's the one!)]

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