Chapter 15 {Detect or ed}

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Ozey: Something else? What exactly?
Venus: (calls out Irene) You may know her. She's a healer.
But her healing power works only on me!
And if you are aware or not my shina is quite strong!
So why do you think that happened?
Irene: (confused nervous blinking)
Ozey: Then is that referring to her shina works only on strong shina?
Venus: Yeah that's maybe the case!
Do you also know which colour is the strongest among shina?
Ozey: Black..?
Venus: That's right!
Ozey: .... (what she is planning to do!?) -
There's no way- Only viarush has black shina tho- (Don't tell me)-
Irene: (confused)
Venus: Bingo ~

(Luna outside of the queen's room guarding. Veronica comes with breakfast.)
Luna: (stops Veronica) I apologise but you cannot enter!
Veronica: Are you stopping me right now?
Luna: No, I'm just simply following her highness' command!
Veronica: But she shouldn't be skipping meal-
Luna: But she wants some rest for now! Let me apologise again but it'd be convenient if you leave now!
Veronica: (sighs) Well if it's what her highness wants!
Luna: (bows) Thanks for your consideration!
(Veronica leaves)

Ozaya: (focused on reading) I am!
Ozaya: Yees~
Ozey: She is going to use her healer power on Viarush!
Ozaya: I heard that numerous times already!
Ozaya: Noh! Not at all!
Ozey: (glares with side eye) Are you even listening!
Ozaya: (Focused on a book and searching something) Yees~
Ozey: (in a loud voice) OZAYA!
Ozaya: (small shout) Aah- I am! I am! And- she doesn't even surprise me anymore!
Then how is she doing that?
Ozey: - That's- actually-
That's actually-
Ozaya: I found it! (Closes book)
I'm going to her highness for a bit! Let's talk later! (Rushes)
Ozey: I- (Disbelief, scoffs) That little-

Ozaya: Pardon?
Luna: Yes. You heard correctly! No visit will be allowed today!
Ozaya: But her highness definitely has told me to update immediately everything I find about this case! ANYTIME!
Luna: Yeah. I was also commanded to not let ANY visitors inside. Situations can change! Now you may leave. I'll not allow any visitors from today!
Ozaya: At least let her know that I'm here. Her highness might allow-
Luna: Nothing's going to work! No one's allowed, including me!
Ozaya: (kinda irritated and suspects)
(At that moment Veronica appears)
Veronica: Then are you saying she'll starve the whole day? Are you even aware of what that means? Do you even know how strong her shina is!? How much effort does it take to handle it?
What if Viarush appears? Still no?
Luna: (caught off guard)
Veronica: ... What's the main reason you are preventing us adamantly!? Wait, don't tell me- Did she go outside again!?
Luna: (confused) No- I guess-...
(They immediately get inside and find no one. Veronica looked around to search for something. And finds out a small note.)
Venus: (comes to the garden, looking at something.)
(Minutes later Felis comes back from somewhere.)
Venus: You really found a good spot for Mimo!
Felis: (small blushes. Notice something unusual.) Are you going out somewhere?
Venus: Yeah ~ along with you!]

[D.S] Veronica: (deep sighs)
Indeed as I thought!

(Everyone inside the Queen's room.)
Veronica: How can you let her out alone! Do you not know what's going on outside of the palace!?
Are you not aware of it either!?
Luna: (spaced out for a second) Yes? .... Yes- I totally had no idea! She just said-
[fb; Venus: Anyone who will visit tells them can't meet anyone for today. You can do it right?
Luna: Of course your highness. I'll keep that in mind.]
Luna: (darn it! She actually didn't say anything in particular! I'm at fault! I just assumed! I thought she needed some more rest as she checked her memories. Even I needed a lot of time to recover fully.
No wonder she deals with that much strong shina without having any problem!)
Veronica: Are you listening!?
Luna: Yes?
Veronica: Start searching for her highness before anything bad happens! And keep it quiet as much as possible! Don't let this go out!
Luna: Noted.

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