Chapter 7 {But how much is enough?}

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(Awkward silence~
Irene panicking, nervous sweating while keep bowing)
Venus: Was it Irene?
Irene: (straightens back. In a quite loud voice) YES! (Narvous laugh)
(I'm done for! I'm definitely done for! It's time to say goodbye to my long lasting royal worker life! What should I do? If I get kicked out, where should I go? Noooo~)
Venus: Heard you're the one who healed me!
Irene: YES! (while panicking and trembling voice) Even though sometimes I face trouble to heal people, ddd-dd-d'doesn't mean I I'm incapable! But I succeeded in healing your highness! I didn't fail this time. Bbbbut I don't mean I fail other-
Venus: Cool down~ I know you did a good job! My arm was totally healed! Anyhow I wanted to meet you in person to thank you~
Irene: Ehh~!?

(Later at night. Venus under the desk lamp reading that book.)
Venus: (healer....? There's nothing much new to learn about them from here. It's just the usual healers. They heal people through their shina. That's basically it!
Also there's nothing much about Viarush either! Only the definition!)
(Viarush; Which is attracted to emotionless people/ViA and slays them. Viarush can be defeated by only emotion/shina. Any other things can't harm them.) [flashback|1.1|; Venus throws a huge rock at Viarush and gets blocked.] And in the below of this topic written in tiny "pt1". Probably part 1 of this book has more details!)

Venus: (I Should try the other topics.)
(Shina stone; A colourful stone or marble which can hold shina or emotion with help of shin's shina)
Venus: (Isn't that the one they use in most royal things and use as currency?

Next topics are shtone and shin. Which I was mostly curious about.)
(Shtone; One kind of black stone or marble that gives the opposite reaction of shinas to viarushes. That is why Qi hall is made out of shtone with Shin's emotion.)
Venus: (What! Why tho...?
Let's just read farther then might be able to understand.)
(Shin; Emotion collector or A person who can collect other people's emotion through "shina stone". They have permanent shina eyes/coloured eyes. Since their strength is collecting, they are able to distribute shina/emotion to Viarushes through shtone. That is why each shin gives away their emotions to Qi hall each decade.
They are more emotional than usual people/ they have more emotion than usual people. That's why they're also capable of defeating Qi0 even though they can't fight with shina but capable to fight with emotion. Hence they don't defeat Qi0 because their role is to give emotion to Qi hall and defeating Qi0 is Rusher's role.)
Venus: (giving emotion..? Isn't that mean.....?)

(Next morning Venus waiting for someone in her room while looking at the painting she bought from that store. Ozaya arrives. Greets Venus.)
Ozaya: This is the list your highness asked for. (hands over a sheet)
Venus: Good work!
He's absent today as well!
Ozaya: You mean researchist Ozey? Yes he's on sick leave!
Venus: (sick leave? .... Side effects..?)
(looking at the sheet.) (I knew it!)
You may go now..
Ozaya: Your highness, then have a good day!

(Venus clenches her fist. Tensed jaws. Scrunches the sheet. The sheet was almost twisted. The list was about "The name of Shins who have sacrificed themselves for Qi hall so far". And the last three names of the lists was-
Venus: (how can they do that! That's just so cruel! Out of all the places! It was Qi hall. Someone's daughter and someone's sister sacrificed herself for the people! And they were ready to sacrifice them! Role huh? Ridiculas!

You guys really knack at sacrificing others!

That time if I couldn't save Kei's mother and if I made it alive then I would've never been able to forgive them, including myself!)
(Instantly, her red shina covers every corner of the room. At that time Veronica sudden visits)
Veronica: (startled face) Forgive me for a sudden visit! Are you under the weather? Did anything happen by any chance? Is there anything I could help-
Venus: (grips back her shina) It's nothing? Is everything okay? Why the sudden visit?
Veronica: Nothing's up, your highness! I just came to check up on your condition.
Venus: I see~
(silence for a moment~)
Venus: Veronica is a shina detector right!
(it was mentioned in the book pt2; Shina detector; A person who can masseur people' Shina and Emotions. Can define or detect people's power; healer, shin, rusher etc.)
Veronica: Yes, your highness!
Venus: How many years have you been working here?
Veronica: About decade!
Venus: Mmmm can I ask some personal questions?
Veronica: Yes your highness! Feel free to ask anything!
Venus: What about family?
Veronica: Of course, parents has passed away! Currently no siblings!
Veuns: What about marriage? Haven't?
Veronica: Wasn't able to.. Because I've a role to fulfil.
Venus: (tensed jaw) ("Role" again!)
What if you get the chance!? Like if you ever get allowed to? Would you want to get married?
Veronica: (smiles pathetically) I don't stand a chance! I'm already a Vi3. Can turn into Vi2 anytime soon. It's impossible for someone like me!
Venus: Sigh~! Are the rest of royal workers same? Like unmarried?
Veronica: Not really! Mostly women workers doesn't, since they need to give birth and raise them. Or the workers with important roles who always need to be active in the palace.
Venus: Since you're a Shina detector you know ViA status of all the palace workers right?
Veronica: Yes, your highness. The palace has all their records! If you insist to know then please give me a moment.

(A while later Veronica comes with a sheaf of sheets which holds the records of ViA status of all the people present in the palace. Veronica hands over those sheets. The first resume was Irene's.)
Veronica: This is the healer healed you and you already met her. She hasn't entered the ViA series yet.
Name- Irene
Age- 30
Vi- None
Major- healer
Work duration- 8 years

Veronica: Workers like her are allowed to marry. But now it's upto them if they are willing to marry or not. Unlike about a decade before when everyone was forced to marry early as soon as they got their shina in order to raise the population.
Venus: (8 years? That's long! She started working at quite a young age!)
(Next is about the twin researchists Ozey & Ozaya.

Veronica: They're the two researchers. Both of them have already entered the ViA series?
Venus: Aren't they too young for it!?
Veronica: Yes. They got early rush!
(Early rush; Who enters the ViA series early/starts to lose emotion/shina before the given age.)
Venus: I see!
(The next one is about an unknown person.)
Venus: Who is this?
Veronica: This was the...... transformer!
(Name- Nona
Age- 22
Vi- None)
Venus: Ahhh~ (but are these infos even legit tho?)
Veronica: Forgive me your highness for reminding you of such an unpleasant incident!
Venus: It's alright~ I was actually kinda curious about her!

(And then the each head councillors all were part of Vi3. There was rarely any Vi2, especially among the guards as they needed to do mostly hard chores/ hard labour. She continues to learn more about the palace people. And Veronica continues to assist her.

[different scenario]
(Felis heading back to home at the end of the day. Felis stops abruptly, backs off and hides behind a pillar. There was little chaos near the place where he was living off. Seemed like the real owner showed up and they are about to rebuild it. They were putting barriers around it.)
Person1: Hey kid! Don't go near!
Person2: Mister! We found this bag here!
Person3: Throw this off! Certainly someone was living off here willfully! Those beggars!
What are you still doing? Get rid of this immediately!
Person2: Understood!

(Felis picks up the bag, batter of the dust.)
Felis: Where to go~ Library?

Venus: (ahh I'm exhausted! I've been reading those thick books but still it was bearable. But this one's different case! And somehow today Veronica seemed super motivitate. She was literally determined to finish off that tower of resumes! But thankfully somehow I was able to stop her!)

[flashback; Venus: oh! It's already this late! I'm kind of hungry I guess...
Veronica: Forgive me your highness! (bows)
Forgive me your highness! (bows)
Forgive me your highness! (bows)]

[D.S; in the palace]
(Veronica's sudden visit.)
Veronica: Good evening!
Venus: (Isn't it a bit early for dinner?)
Veronica: Forgive me for a sudden visit again! If you don't mind I've something to share!
Venus: Sure! Let's hear~
Veronica: About the workers you suggested that volunteer or jobless people can do the work in Qi hall. But there's barely usual jobless people out there and I don't think there'd be enough people who'll be interested in volunteering.
Venus: Then..? What exactly do you want to say?
Veronica: I'm thinking, what if Qi1 works there?Like they are the ones basically who are jobless.
(Qi1; those who barely left with emotion and their body starts to break. It's impossible for them to do hard labour or they barely do anything by themselves)
Venus: Is that okay? Are they capable of doing so?
Veronica: Yes. Hopefully they'll be able to~ If someone from beside helping them out!
Venus : Really? Good then, start the progress as soon as possible ~
Veronica: (bows with pleasure) Thanks for accepting the proposal!
Venus: Thanks for suggesting ~
Veronica: (soft smile) Then~

(After a few days later. In the morning, Venus was wearing a male tweed suit, her high bun was hiding under the beret and she sneaks out of the palace.)

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