Chapter 13 {Unfortunates}

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(Felis keeps looking at Venus' eyes. Venus looks at Felis, immediately he looks away. Felis had shina on his eye.)
Venus: Why?... Is it because I don't have shina eyes?
(Shina eyes; Particularly similar to body shina. The iris part of the eye basically gets colour. It appears when a person feels proper emotion/lets out proper emotion/expresses properly or when they activate/use their shina power properly. People get their eye shina before body shina as it doesn't require much body strength. It can't be controlled unlike body shina.)
Felis: No-
Venus: True though! It's okay. I didn't had intention to hide it anyway ~

Veronica: Then let me have a check on your shina! Excuse me for a moment. And keep eye contact with me.
(Process to keep looking at Venus' eyes. Slowly Veronica' eyes get colours/ shina eyes. Crinkle brows. Then her eyes turn back to their original colour.
Looks down with a concerned face.)
Venus: What's wrong?
Veronica: (small gasping) Why can't I see it! Why isn't it visible? Let me try again! I beg your pardon! (Tries again but fails. Tensed....)
(Now I think about it! I never saw her shina eyes. No! It never actually appeared! Because ~)
Venus: What exactly is wrong? By any chance do I not have shina eyes?
Veronica: Yes... It seems so. But it doesn't make sense!
Venus: Is it that rare?
Veronica: Yes. You can find people without body shina but someone without eye shina probably-! It's literally not possible!
Venus: Then why don't I have?
Veronica: I'm quite confused as well.
It can't be because of the Vi-series. Then...
(Some moment of silence.)
Veronica: There's a possibility of....
(Venus curious gaze)
Veronica: That.... Shina eyes appears when you'll be activating your ultimate power. So there's a chance that your body is incapable of activating the ultimate power. That could be what is probably the cause of the non shina eyes. Of course I mean only this can make sense because your shina way too strong to match with other conditions!
Venus: But without it you guys can never diagnose whether I'm a Rusher or not! Wouldn't be a concern!?
Veronica: (little scoffs) There's no way!... I've served three rulers including you. I can assure you among them you have the strongest shina without any doubt! If your highness is not a Rusher Then it'll be really absurd!
Venus: Ah is that so?!]

Irene: What are you guys talking about!?
Is there anything wrong
Ozey: You also saw it! She doesn't have shina eyes!
Irene: (realises) That's-
Ozaya: No wonder- something seemed off!
But isn't that terrifying!
Irene: What do you mean?
Ozaya: Her shina is already that strong without having shina eyes. How would it be like with it then! Woah ~ even thinking about it gives me goosebumps! Isn't it!
Ozey: Woah, it's so creepy!~
Irene: Really? Is that so? I think the other way though.
How it's already that pretty, with it it'll get more prettier! Don't you agree?
Ozey & Ozey: Well..~
Ozaya: Oh right! You haven't answered yet! How was it? Her shina?
(Ozaya & Irene both curious about his opinion)
Ozey: Still not though~ Like I said, it can't change my mindset even if I saw it!
Ozaya: (smirks) To be honest you're just jealous right!?
Ozey: Who? Me? (Scoffs)
You must be joking! Why would I be jealous?
Ozaya: You are always like this! You always hate anyone who is prettier or outstanding than you! That's also why you are kind of bothered by her isn't it ~ <indicates Irene>
Irene: (confused head tilt)
Ozey: (scoffs loudly) Who is bothered by who? Also we were talking about shina! Why is this even brought up!?
Why would I be jealous of someone's shina that is being called pretty you guys!? I mean it's not like my shina is being compared to her! How is that even compared to ME?! Unbelievable! 
Ozaya: Judging by your reaction.... Well~ I'm actually not wrong though!
Ozey: (sighs) Did you go deaf!? Can't you hear me!?
(They kept bickering and Irene beside them watching them effortlessly)
Ozaya: Take a break! Or you'll get side effects again!
Ozey: I'm telling you it's not!
Ozaya: Now I'm tired of backing up your works!
Ozey: It's not!
Ozaya: There you go again ~
Ozey: You-
Irene: (Smiles softly) You guys really get along!
Ozey & Ozaya: You call this getting along!?
Irene: Is it not?
Ozaya: Well this is how kinda siblings usually are!
Irene: Ahh~ Usu-ally...-?
(Gazing into deep thought~)

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