Chapter 5 {In-truder}

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Fake Venus: (calls out some royal guards) Lock up this fraud in prison! Make sure she doesn't escape!
(They were dragging out unconscious Venus. Venus still had some sense. She opens her eyes a little bit, looks around. There were two guards dragging her by grabbing her arms. And one more guard was in front of them. She observes the situation for some moment and waits for the right time to escape when no one is around. When they almost get near the cell and open the door. Venus slides off and takes out her both hands. Turns her orange shina into a big halberd. They tried to attack her. She blocks them with that halberd and then shoves them into the cell. And ties the door with her shina.)
Guards: What are you doing! Open this right away! Do you want to get into trouble!
Open it! Open it! (keeps making fuss)
Venus: Ssh~ (slides the halberd into the cell through gaps and aims at their neck) You know who'll get into real trouble if you don't keep it quiet!
(Then she backs off slowly, grabs a robe and escapes)

(Venus comes outside of the palace successfully. There were a bunch of royal guards coming out from the palace. From the same direction someone in a hood robe was a bit ahead of the guards who was rushing while looking down. He bumps into Venus.)
Guy: I'm sorry! I'm sorry! (while looking down and bowing.) I'm terribly sorry.
Venus: Ah that voice! (while tilting her head) I know this voice!
Guy: (opens his eyes and looks at Venus)  ....Sorry?
Venus: You're from yesterday! That painting store! You remember!?
(Guy looks away right away)
Venus: Mmm! You do remember me!
(Royal guards gets nearer to them)
Venus: For now lets change this location! (grabs by his wrist and pulls him)
I can't lose you again!
(Venus and the guy standing up in front of a closed store a bit far from the palace. He kept looking down.)
Venus: (Where were these guards going? Doesn't seem they were looking for me!) Do you know anything about what's up with those guards?
Guy: Sorry?... Probably (fixes his bangs) moving out the vias from Qi hall...!
Venus: (Oh, that's the purpose of her action!)         
Venus: Name?
Guy: Huh!?
Venus: Your name!
Guy: .... It's Felis.
Venus: Do you know me?
Felis: Pardon?.... Yes, I think... We met at the market.
Venus: Uh-hu not that! Who am I?
Felis: ...... The ..queen ..... Probably ....!
Venus: How did you know what answer exactly I was looking for, that time?
Felis: I'm not sure! Probably.. (scratching fingernails) randomly.... I gave the exact answer you were looking for.. That'd be the reason... Probably ..
Venus: (smirks) You're really bad at pretending, right!?
(Felis looks more away)
Venus: Do you live far?
Felis: Yes?... Noh~
Venus: Perfect! Let's go to your place!
Felis: Sorry?..
Venus: (smiles) I just ran away from the palace! Just for a night! I'll come up with a way to go back to the palace by then!
(starts walking, tilts her head and gives a sign to escort her)
(Felis starts walking a bit ahead of her. He walks while looking down.)
Venus: You seem to know well about here!
Felis: Well... I guess..?
Venus: How do you know?
Felis: Well.. (scratching cheeks with pointer) I've read a lot of books.
Venus: (smiles .. gets closer) Do you've any of them at your place?
Felis:.... I do have one of them.
Venus: Phew that's such a relief~

(both reaches Felis's house. It was literally an old hut. Doesn't look liveable. They enters. But inside it was really neat, unlike outside it looked liveable, even though there was barely anything in it. No bed, no chair, literally nothing!)
Felis: As you can see I really have nothing to offer! Will you be really alright, your highness!?
Venus: Definitely! If I hadn't met you I'd probably be roaming around the street by now!
And drop the honorifics. It's kinda awkward as a fellow earth person! And you seem to be around my age.
Felis: (looks at Venus with big eyes. It couldn't be seen before but he has pure brown eyes.) WHAT DO YOU MEAN!
Venus: Why am I wrong?
Felis: (looks away).... Probably not.
Venus: So when did you come?
Felis: .... End of the last year.

Venus: Where's the book?
(Felis digs into a bag and hands over a book, written "Eun & Earth pt2" on it. Also hands over a clean old blanket along.)
Venus: Thanks! (takes a sit on the floor)
(Felis also takes a seat beside Venus, not too close.)
Venus: I probably got betrayed by the head court lady. Veronica seems to be holding grudges on me.
Felis: Sorry?
Venus: That's why I'm on a runaway! I thought you'd probably be curious!
Felis: Ah.. I guess soo~
Venus: If i'm not wrong, then it's because I tried to save the vias!
Felis: There was a way to save them, I didn't know!
Venus: I don't know either. But there definitely might be a way to save them. Firsthand we just need to prevent them from dying (First priority). Then the rest we can figure it out gradually.
Felis: (gives a soft smile) You do really care a lot about other people!
Venus: What?
Felis: I mean, you could just get away from here. Involving would just cost you death! But you are still trying to find a way to go back. And trying to protect the people even vias!
Venus: (smiles) Yes I do! Actually I like them. I admire the fact how strong they are. No matter whatever happens they are still able to move on and keep living forward. I think that's really amazing! This fact makes them kind of beautiful. (I could never be one of them!)
Felis: That's not true!
Venus: Huh?
Felis: I mean..... you are probably thinking that you're unlike them. But no, you're much stronger! Because..... because you're ready to sacrifice yourself for them!
Venus: it's because that's the easiest way. So~ I'm not really strong!
Felis: (looks away) (that's not true!
Because, it seems like you came here just recently but still capable of coming this far even though you barely know anything!
Unlike me!)
[flashback; "himself coming to Eun's and struggling]
(Looks at Venus. She fell asleep even before start reading the book! Felis tries to fix her blanket but something blocks his hand. He tries to figure out look properly with a confused gaze. There was a very thin orange round shield covering her. Probably a shina barrier.)
Felis: (smirks) (see? I just literally told you a day before and you're already capable of doing something like this!) You're really....  good at controlling your shina, I mean emotion~ (Soft smile)


(Few hours later, Venus wakes up. While Felis was sleeping & leaning against another wall.)
Venus: (oh, the shina is gone! I definitely made a barrier tho! Is it because I was sleeping? ...
There's no need to waste time! I've this book now. It could have all the proper infos I need!)
( takes the lamp near to her. Opens up the book. First topic pops up is about via.
Any kind of disease particularly doesn't exist on Eun. People usually die after turning into ViA through Viarush. Or they could die by themselves if their emotions expires/completely emotionless, but it happens rarely. As before that happens they turn into ViA and Viarush collects them.
ViA; Who lacks in emotion/strength. ViA series only applies to the Eun's people. Earth people don't turn into ViA. This series is divided into four categories.
Vi3- Who starts losing emotions and shina. Basically loses the ability to cry. Age-30s usually.
Vi2- Who starts losing stamina. Loses the ability to do hard labour. Age- 40s
Vi1- Starts losing emotion/shina completely. Unable to express any kind of emotion. Age- 50s
ViA- Starts losing stamina completely. Unable to do any movements. Age- 60s.)

(Next topic is the details of emotions and shina. Emotions are the strength of the people. But, the human body requires stamina to bear the strength of emotions. That is why kids suffer a lot due to pressure of emotions/strength. Emotion's lifespan is around 60 but the human body can bear emotions till 80. Since earth people don't turn into ViA, these doesn't apply to them. Negative emotion <indicates harm to others & themself> is harmful for the body. It applies to both Eun's and Earth's people. Whoever consists negative emotion/energy they'll be harmed physically. The amount of side effects depends on how much negative emotion they're having.
Shina; An ability to express emotions through different colours. It usually comes out through body parts, and also appears through eyes. [flashback; Veronica's coloured eyes before turning into Venus] People gets their shina usually at the age of 20. Shina requires body strength/stamina to be expressed. That's why people under 20 dont have shina due to lack of stamina/weak body. Viarushes can be defeated by shina/emotion. Fighting with shina doesn't harm the body, it's reduced stamina. But fighting with emotion harms the body; it even causes death. Shina doesn't last long.
If you don't control your shina then it'll disappear itself some moment later. Each shina colours varies each bunch of emotions. Like negative emotions's shina is gray. )

Venus: (So people lose emotion as they age and turn into ViA. Since emotion is strength for them, that's why they lose the ability to control their body.
No wonder that old man back then was barely moving! They're just typically coma patients.!)

(it's already dawn. Venus in deep thinking & habitual tapping on her nasal bone. In a bit, Felis wakes up.)
Venus: (stops tapping) You awake! I think I found a way to go back!
Felis: That's fast!
Venus: Veronica wasn't the one who betrayed me. That wasn't Veronica!  (smirks~)

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