Chapter 16 {between task<stuck>favour}

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Venus: Aren't you the one who can read?
Felis: (frowns) How did You know that!!
Venus: It was just a guess though~
(Gets closer and smiles) you're so easy to read! (Averts)
You were being obvious! And how can someone who is a bad liar like you deceive me? (Little sigh smile)
And even if you do, you might not have the intentions to scam or take advantage of people. You probably had enough reason for doing it-
like in order to protect something or someone!
Felis: (looks away and clenches a fist)
What do you even know-!

(They were getting back. This time it was quieter between them than before. And the day got busier. When they arrived near the palace it was totally packed up and rowdy.
People are gathering to protest. They were shouting "Free the Vias, free us from Viarush. Free the Vias, free us from Viarush. Free the Vias, free us from Viarush."
It was a lot busier in front of the palace main gate.
Since Venus was wearing ordinary clothes, she didn't bother to be cautious and walked to the main gate. In front of the gate Luna was checking out and observing.)
Luna: (spots Venus and runs to her. Accidentally shouts) Your Highness!
(stifles, stops abruptly)
Someone: It's her Majesty!
Someone else: Where! Where is she!?
(within a brief moment the commotion rises. It becomes more rowdy! Everyone started to shout
"Tell her to come out!
Where is she!?
Come out! Come out!"

(Suddenly someone from the coward throws a rock towards them. It almost accidently was about to hit Venus but Luna instantly blocked it.)
Luna: Are you okay, your highness!? (Tries to cover both of them by surrounding her arms while facing the people. Shoves them slowly and gently backwards.) Please evacuate immediately! I'll handle the rest!

(More people started to throw rocks, stones etc towards the gate. It became more and more rowdy.
Venus sets her aside and covers three of them inside a thin almost transparent shina barrier. Luna looks up to it with wandering eyes. The royal guards started to come gradually and discipline the situation. They also enter the palace grabbing the opportunity.)

(Someone went to Veronica and informs Venus had arrived.)
Veronica: (release deep relief sigh) I'll go visit her highness!

(the atmosphere is kinda heavy. Veronica and Luna are present at Venus room.)
Venus: How's the work going?
Veronica: It was on halt for a moment as Luna was busy looking for your highness!
Are you sure unscathed?
Venus: Yeah~ But are you okay? <Luna>
Luna: Yes, your highness!
Venus: Then let's not waste time anymore and resume the work immediately.
Luna: Yes, your highness! (leaves)
(Veronica kept silent while looking down.)

Venus: Oh right! Arrange proper protection and guarding for Nona and other prisoners as well. Even though accidents are accidents no one particularly can be responsible for it but there's no harm to be extra cautious and it lessens the risk so-
Veronica: I get it what you are implying. I will process it right away.
Venus: Okay~ And how did the guards handle the situation?
Veronica: We've imprisoned some of them so the rest won't create any more commotion! After some days-
Venus: Acquit them right away and let them do whatever they want. Just make sure everyone stays safe and unharmed!
Veronica: ..... (exhales) As you commanded!
And unfortunately I have to inform you that I need to step down from my position if any more of these incidents occur again!
If in any chance something happens to your highness then it's totally on me. I'll be the one to blame because of losing two Rushers in a row!
Then- take a good rest!
(Venus tries to reach her out but she instantly leaves. Venus deep sighs)

(Venus and Ozaya at the morgue. Rechecking and confirming the cause of the death.)

Ozaya: Thanks to the item your highness requested for I was able to sure!

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