Chapter 18 {Is avoiding is hiding or protecting?}

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Luna: When I first came here I was so lost and didn't know what to do~

When I couldn't get used to my ability and couldn't control my emotions properly I was so scared of getting to know things through this ability!

So I just learned how to dodge people. Then I won't have to bump into someone and witness their memory just by bare skinship!~

The thing I'm good at most

Luna/Felis:      is     avoiding     ~


Venus: Watch out!
(Luna cower herself. Irene screams.)

(Viarush claws at Luna.)

Luna: ...
(Shrinks out herself slowly. Eases her brows. Looks up with a confused gaze.
Venus made a thin shina wall between her and Viarush. And it keeps scratching on the wall. And it started cracking a bit.)

Venus: (approaches it while extracting a lot of shina and turns it into a huge halberd. Then stabs its eye and it goes all the way inside then explodes along with her shina. Her shina scatters all over the place.

Irene: (Relief sighs)

(Irene and Luna inside of the office room. Heavy atmosphere. Venus standing there with folded arms. And those two surrendered in front of her.)

Venus: So can I hear your reason for being so reckless?
Irene: Forgive me your highness! It's my fault for lacking practice!
Luna: That's not true! That's the way I usually encounter with Viarushes!
But there's no need to be concerned with this small issue. I am really good at dodging! Though today was an exception!

Venus: So? (in a cold voice)
If a similar rare case like today happens again what are planning to do? And you can't even dodge!?
Are you not aware that a single encounter with Qi2 might cause death?

Luna: ...

          Then?    What else can do
                             a half rusher like me?

(pin drop silence~)

Venus: Irene! You can call it a day. You must be tired!
Irene: (Reads the room) Then-
Venus: And also- stop by the research hall. Show it to Ozey to find what was the cause! I'll meet them later when needed.
Irene: Noted!

(Irene is visiting the research room with the shina gun. Ozey detecting the gun.)
Ozey: There's nothing wrong with it though!
Irene: There's no way! The trigger definitely did act up!
Ozey: Did you by any chance overfilled it out of excitement?!
Irene: Ah... (Maybe I did!)
(Gentle smile)
(I wanted to do better in front of her highness! Though I failed completely!)
Ozey: So you did!
You can't do that! At this rate it might break!
You need to learn about its capability and when to stop!
Irene: But how can I when I can't even see through it!
Ozey: ...

Okay I'll discuss with her highness about it!
Irene: Yesshh!

Ozaya: How was today's Viarush like?
Was it unusual as well!
Irene: Yeah kind of! It was mixed but with last time's Qi3 and usual Qi2.

Ozaya: (small smirk) So she predicted right!
Ozey: Huh..?

Ozaya: Are you going now?
Then let's go together. I also got some business!

Irene: Mmm..! Now-... it isn't kinda the right time to-

(Ozey & Ozaya confused looking at each other)
Irene: I mean she's kinda exhausted now! So-~

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