Chapter 3 {Still Yet}

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(Venus with a little disappointed face, tapping nasal bone with her right hand's pointer)
Venus: (this totally filled with basic information of viarush. Like no details! Why does it have to be thick then!? It's more like martial art book for Rushers who defeats Viarush.)

(Book; "Needs to aim for the eye to defeat.")
Venus: ( oh that was eye? I thought it's just a hole. Cause, it was round and darker than its whole body. Nothing particularly looked like eyes! But thankfully somehow I was able to aim for the correct spot! Or couldn't have defeated it!  Moreover, this book is quite old. And there's no infos of shina and etc that I need. Only basic knowledge of viarush. Though it's too complex for me to understand. Like there's generally four stages of viarush. Starting from Qi3-Qi0.)
(Qi3- Small sized viarush. Can slay only one ViA. Once per month.
Qi2- Bigger size. Capacity around 3 ViA and 1 non ViA. Once per month.
Qi1- Medium sized but sly one. Mostly collects non ViA in a tricky way. Once in a year.
Qi0- Unbelievably giant. Capacity is unpredictable. Leaves no Vi-series and also can slay large numbers of non ViA. Once or twice in a century.)

(What I understand from this, I guess those viarush is kinda like a grim reaper for the people of here. There's basically Four types of them. I witnessed Qi3 and Qi2 last time and somehow defeated Qi2. And these two appear once in a month mostly. Qi1 is kinda tricky and creepy one, which doesn't take away people they're supposed to. That's the one behind the late king's death. It attacks mentally. And it appears rarely in a year.
And lastly Qi0, is more likely a pandemic. That appears once or twice in a century. That's the one I'm gonna sacrifice myself for. But is it really possible to defeat that huge one?
Who knows ~
And there's another topic other than viarush is about shtone. Qi hall is made out of shtone. It has shin's shina.
Every topic going over my head. But that time I certainly heard people saying shtone is out of shina. But that doesn't clear anything. There's lot of words I'm unfamiliar with but I'm mostly curious about what this shina is. How do I control them? It seems to have various colours. It's not only red or orange. For once, I had purple coloured shina too!
Don't think they could get the book I want anytime soon. Can't even ask them directly. I should choose words carefully. I can't afford to lose the position. Cause it'd probably be easy to lose the throne unlike the way I easily achieved it.
Maybe I should try to go out. That way I might find more clues. I might be able to gather info from the people who don't know yet that I'm the queen.)

(Summons Veronica)

Veronica: (bows) Good morning your highness. Hopefully you've been able to take a good rest last night. If you need anything we'd be in your help.
Venus: I need to go out.
Veronica: Yes your high- ..! Yes..? (Stops bowing)
Venus: I need to visit Qi hall one more time.
Veronica: Your highness if you left anything there then you can ask u-
Venus: No, I gotta go and check the condition of it.
Veronica: Your highness if that's the case then you really don't have to bother. We'll somehow figure it out! Moreover, starting from this year Viarushes appearing irregularly! So we don't know when it'll come again!
Venus: ( isn't it supposed to come at least once in a month though?)
But Veronica! I won't take too long!
Veronica: I understand. Then we'll prepare for the visit right away.

("Departures" Veronica tags along. Venus was riding a royal carriage. Probably first time riding one. She glances through the window and tries to find any clues out there. Less than an hour later they arrive at Qi hall. Venus gets down. She was wearing a hooded cloak and gloves to avoid attraction for her shina. When she got there the main door of Qi hall was already fixed. Last time she saw it was covered with metal, now it's just a huge black marvel cave/hall. As she stands in front of the door a royal guard opens it, she gets inside of it. The hall was gloomy and utterly darker than before. There were two switches beside the door as mentioned in the "Viarush" book. One regular button to shut the door and other one's to activate shina or open the metal cover outside of the hall. She continues to observe a few more minutes around the hall.)
Venus: <to Veronica> So how are you guys intend to handle the current condition of Qi hall?
Veronica: We haven't come up with anything yet. However, hopefully we'll be able to fix it soon if any chances of finding a shin!
Venus: I see ~
Then let's just go back for now.
Veronica: As you command your highness.
(A kid runs to Venus)
Kei: Venus sis!
(Every royal guards tries to barriers him)
Venus: (to the guards) It's okay. Let him. (Bends and holds Kei's both hand)
(Kei's mother rushes to them)
Kei's mom: Forgive us your highness for such an inappropriate behaviour you've faced.
Veronica: They're one of the informers who stated about your bravery from the last incident that happened in the Qi hall.
Kei: Yes we did! Big sis!
Veronica: You can't call your highness like that!
Kei's mom: I'm terribly sorry your highness.
Venus: (oh, that's why they're aware of my royalty!)
It's okay! <To Kei's mother> I'm actually fond of children so I don't mind.
But is that okay? <to Kei> I'm probably old enough to be your aunt!
Kei: No way~ Because if my sister were alive she'd have been around your age! (Smiles brightly)
Venus: Really! What was her name?
Kei: Kana. Did you know she was a shin! Really strong!
Venus: (smiles with sorrowful eyes) Really!
Veronica: Your highness! We should start our departure soon!
Venus: Yeah I'm aware of it ~
(They greets to each other and goes respective way)

(On the way of getting back there was a market)
Venus: <to Veronica> I want to stop by here as well.
Veronica: .... Well as you say your highness.
Venus: (When the first time I came here, I didn't pay attention to anything. But there's might be some clues out here as well.)
(As Venus walked they were following her everywhere.)
Venus: (at this rate I won't be able to ask anyone around. I gotta distract and ditch them~)
(When she finds the chance, use it to escape. The market was pretty busy. But compared to the cowards it was really quiet. No fuss, no hassle but still it didn't seem peaceful. As if it's a soulless town.
Houses beside the market don't seem much different. They were quite similar, mostly one storey.
Venus stands in front of a door as someone comes out with an old man in a wheelchair. That person left that old man outside and went back inside, then shuts the door. Whole situation doesn't make her flinch. Because there were more old people like this outside of houses. They were similarly sitting on a chair or wheelchair. As she was clueless, she couldn't really get what's going on. Why are these happening? What's happening!

Venus approaches the old man.)

Venus: What a bizarre land is this?! I kinda know there might be a reason behind doing this! But it's still cruel! (takes off her coat and covers him up) it's still chilly outside!

(Venus sat down and looked up to him. His eyes had the blackest, coldest and saddest gaze ever. His body was almost paralyzed. He was barely moving his mouth and was trying to say something in a really tiny voice. She could tell he was trying to thank her, by the gesture.)

Venus: (... I saw these eyes before!)
You're welcome. (Gets up and starts walking again)

(She notices an art store while passing by. The shopkeeper was really gloomy and those arts were gloomy as well. But one painting caught Venus' attention. It wasn't gloomy at all, it was really beautiful and colourful. Only that one wasn't soulless. Someone with shina was standing in front of something similar to Qi hall, in that painting.)

Venus: (points to the canvas) What are those stringy colourful things in that picture?
Shopkeeper: (crinkles brow) What else! obviously shina!
Venus: What is shina?
Shopkeeper: Such an oddball! What do you mean what's shina! Shina's shina! What else can it be!?
Venus: (ugh! I knew it wouldn't be an easy task. But how exactly should I ask then!)
(A guy from beside, wearing a grimy and cheap hood robe. He was literally covered up fully. His skin wasn't showing much.)
Guy: (was looking down, says in calming voice) "Those are emotions~"

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