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Mother choked and died. I told her to not drink anymore but she did anyway. It was my fault, I should've stopped her. But my fear prevented me from doing so, and in return i'm now suffering the consequences.

I was used to this thought. Eli, Jacob, and now Mother. When Eli and Jacob left I was sad, devastated, but Mothers departure hurt more then ever. I was completely, utterly, alone. Mother was the only one I had, and now she was gone.

There was no one in this place left who had me in they're heart. Who loved me. Mother would say it was love, but I know it wasn't. I always knew it was not, I was just deluding myself into believing it was. Although I know this, even now, I want to continue thinking she loved me. Because the moment I accept the fact she never did, is when I will realize that I've always been alone and unloved, and that her passing made no difference because she never made me feel otherwise.

And that, would hurt more. So i'll continue to blind myself away from the truth.

Now though, my heart is slow from the acceleration it was in a few hours ago. Despite this, my body is shaking. Only to the point where no one can notice except me.

What comes next is that i'll be put into foster care if the kind people don't find anyone who wants to take me in. I know this because Jacob was in one of does. He would tell me it was horrible.

I really don't wanna be send there, it sounds scary.

Anxiously waiting for the young man to tell me what he has found my heart starts beating fast as he starts to speak, "It seems like you..." He pauses, furrowing his eyebrows while having his eyes glued to the bright screen that reflects on his circle glasses. "you have siblings who live in New York!" He says. My heart still speeding.

I have siblings. Part of me is surprised as I never thought of the possibility of having other relatives besides Mother, but then again, i'm not surprised she never told me.

They can take me in. And maybe, just maybe, they'll love me. Not how Mother loved me, but how I loved her. I tried to stop my excitement. I couldn't get my hopes up yet. There's still a huge possibility they won't want me.

"I'll contact them immediately and let you know what we agree on right away Miss Angelica" The young man said as he stood up from his chair that could roll and headed to the door. Once he was out I exhaled a breath of air. I hope they take me in. I'll be good.


I've been staring at the rolling chair for a while.

It has wheels.

I'm resisting standing up and rolling on it. If I'm quick enough, and if I place it in the same position as it is now he won't notice, right?

That's too risky though, if the young man catches me he might tell my siblings, and then they won't like me.

Glaring at the chair with wheels my body jumps from the sudden knock on the door. The door starts to slowly open making my breathing hitch.

The young man is revealed. Relief washes over me, he's been nothing but kind to me so far.

I'm uncomfortable with men. Mother use to bring men inside the house, they were never nice to her but she kept doing it. They were never nice to me either.

Well, only the times where they would see me sneaking peaks at what they would do. Other then that, Mother would keep me downstairs, in my room.

"I have good news for you!" I'm pulled out of my thoughts by the young man's voice. I look up at him quickly. "Your oldest sibling said he will take guardianship of you. He will be here in a few hours as he's in town at the moment" My heart jumps from happiness. I don't know what the word guardianship means as he uses words that aren't in my vocabulary. But he's smiling, so that can only mean one thing.

My siblings chose to keep me.

End of Chapter 1

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