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"Cecilia, we're here" My eyes jump open.

It's just Elias.

I rub my eye. Elias starts undoing my seatbelt. I look behind his head. It's cool like the other one. Although this one looks much bigger.

"Please let me hold your hand this time"

My eyes look at his dark eyes. I wish mine were like his, so we could be similar. I don't wanna be like Mother. Not anymore.

I hope he doesn't rip me away from him like she did. So without overthinking it I step forward and hug him. He's super tall so it was around his hip. It was still a hug though.

I wait. But he doesn't dig his nails in my arm or push me away. Slowly I remove my arms and look up at him. He smiles. Smiles.

He doesn't know this, but in this moment i'm sure I love him. It's okay if I end up getting hurt again. It's fine.

Elias grabs my hand and we walk towards the huge shopping building. He called this a mall. So mall it is.

When we entered I'm amazed by the amount of people. There's a lot, the amount makes me a bit anxious but I quickly notice they're doing they're own thing. Elias is with me, I know i'll be okay.

Elias takes me into the first store. This is so exciting. When we walk in my eyes widen in awe. This is so lovely. It's all kinds of clothes.

I notice a lady coming towards us. I try to go
behind Elias.

People can be dangerous.

"Hello Sir! Is there anything I could do for you?" The lady talks english but in a super cool way. I peek out from behind Elias to see her. She is tall, it reminds me a bit of younger Mother.

"Could you help my child, we're looking for.."

I'm so engrossed in the pretty clothes I don't listen to what they're saying.

"Okay please follow me! Let's start off with nightwear" I notice the lady is very smily, and that's there's no one other then us in this store.

The lady starts getting a bunch of clothes she thinks will suit me. Pajamas, dresses, and so many more things. Even shoes.

"Okay! i'm sure this is more then enough!" The lady says. "Would you like to try them on?" She looks at me straight in the eye.

Wait a minute. Try them on?...

So that's why she was asking me if I like the clothes she was choosing. Elias is getting all of this for me.

He thinks I deserve this?

I look up at him, adoration and disbelief in my eyes. Why couldn't Mother do this. Not buy me stuff but why couldn't she just simply spend time with me? or hold my hand.

I'll never know, and part of me doesn't want to.

That doesn't matter now, because all I want to do is hug my brother and tell him how much I love him.

A/N: I keep forgetting she's wearing boy clothes

We had spent all day at the mall that by the time we were back the sun was going down. Elias told me he was going to send someone to my room to drop my things off. He also said Mateo and Romeo weren't going to be back until tomorrow morning. I asked him why but all he said was something came up.

Elias was walking me to my room but when we got there he got a phone call.

"I have to leave Cecilia" He said looking at his watch. "It'll only be for a while. Get ready for bed. If you have an emergency go to the twins, they are downstairs watching a movie with Macy"

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