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The library was so beautiful. The walls were filled with so many books of different size and color. Some were so high up I couldn't reach them. It was also very peaceful in here.

I've been trying to find the books Mother would have but so far i've had no luck.

I'm sure a few hours had passed when Nanny appeared. "What are you looking for young Miss?"

I told her they were books with pictures. She brought many books with little drawings on them but does weren't the ones I was looking for.

"They have real life pictures. Not drawings" I said, looking through the colorful books Nanny had brought me. I had never seen these kinds of books. She called them picture books.

"Not drawings...Oh! I think I know what you're talking about young Miss" She scurried off and returned with what I was looking for.

"Yes these!" I had a happy smile on my face while picking up all the books she found for me.

"These are called magazines"

"I see...Thank you so much Nanny!"

I was so grateful she had actually found the magazines I wanted.

I grabbed the most appealing ones and sat down on the soft carpet, my back against the shelves.

"Would you like to have lunch with Macy?" 

"No thank you" I wasn't very hungry, and the idea of eating with Macy took away the small amount of existing hunger I did have.

After saying goodbyes with Nanny she left.

I love magazines.


"I'm not hungry" I say quietly, my eyes glued to the interesting information I was reading. There was so many words I did not understand, yet I still enjoyed what I was able to collect. The people on the pages were my favorite thing. There was even pictures of dessert!

"You have to eat dinner Angel"

"No" I reply. I rather do this.

"I'm going to to tell Elias..." Mateo try's to scare me.

"No you won't" I say without taking my eyes from the magazine.

"Fine, i'll go tell him right now" Mateo says, I just glare at him as he walks out of the library

I don't even notice someone coming in until I hear footsteps close by.

"Time to eat" Elias says and takes away the magazine, lifting me up to his warm embrace. My mouth falls open.

Did he just took away my happiness?

"Hey! Your being mean" I glare at him, dead serious.

"Rosario told me you skipped lunch, that's unacceptable Cecilia"

Rosario is Nanny?

"I shouldn't have, I'm sorry Eli" I wrap my arms around his neck gently, hoping he would believe I really was.

Mother would never believe me.

"Is okay baby, just try not to do it again"  Elias rubs my back in a comforting way.

I'm really tired.

When we get to the dining room everyone is at the table. I notice Macy has taken the spot next to where Elias usually sits, leaving the only spot available between her and Enzo.

A/N: Enzo is one of the twins. In case someone forgot. He's her brother.

Mateo greets me with a warm smile which I return with a intense glare that only makes him laugh.

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