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I'm holding Eli's arm tightly as we all sit in the living room.

Everyone is here. Romeo stands against the wall as he smokes, Mateo is sitting on the other side of Eli and the twins are sitting across from me. Staring at me unblinkingly.

I lean in closer to Eli and try to hide behind his big arm. I peek out and see is dark outside.

Is probably very late.

I take in a deep breath. They know. They don't know the details. The only ones that do are Elias and Romeo, but they know what happened.

Macys absence makes me wonder where she is.

Is she in time out?

"Enzo, Armani, go to sleep. Is late"

"There's no school tomorrow, Elias" Armani remarks.

"Why don't you tell our sister to spit it out. We want to know what she did now!" Enzo says in a loud voice.

I take back what I said. The twins probably know less then what I thought.

"Go to your room, both of you"

My eyes look up at my brother, cold Elias is back.

As the twins leave, Mateo gives me a warm smile and leaves the living room. It's just my two eldest brothers and me. For some reason I feel more comfortable with just them two then with the others.

"I'm going to bed" Romeo announces after a while and takes his leave.


I just stay quiet. Afraid that if I do something wrong he'll change his mind and decide he doesn't want me anymore.

"Let's get you to bed" As soon as he stands up I do too, following his every move.

"Goodnight" Elias pats my head and closes my bedroom door, leaving me alone in the darkness. I bring the thick comforter to my nose. There's no one here Angelica. Is okay.

Good thing is friday today. There's no school tomorrow.

I hear a noice and my head twistes towards it. But there's nothing.

I'm going crazy, is all I can think.

I think I try for an hour but I can't seem to be able to relax. I look at the door and remember all the times Macy would stand there, waiting for Jake to finish hurting me.

A knot forms in my throat. There's no one here. So I can cry. but that's not what i'm looking for this time. All I want is comfort. For someone to tell me is okay.

My words aren't enough to satisfy my paranoid mind anymore. I get out of bed and walk out of my room. I go to the door next to me and try to open it. For some reason it takes me way longer then it should, but I succeed. I slowly creak the door open.

I'm just making sure Eli is still here. After this i'm not going to disturb him ever again.

I promise.

It's pitch black I contemplate turning back and suffering in my room. But I don't. I pull through, this is nothing compared to how I felt earlier.

When I get closer I see my older brother. He's sleeping?

He looks so peaceful. I don't know why, but part of me thought Eli didn't sleep. But I guess he does.

I come closer until I stand next to his bed. Slowly I get on top of the tall bed and snuggle next to him. The lump in my throat returns, and this huge sadness overwhelms me. I try to not make any noice while tears flow across my cheeks.

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