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I stare at myself in the mirror. I'm disgusting. What i'm about to do is disgusting. Sinful.

I've been inside this small clean bathroom for a few minutes thinking.

I can't mess this up. I need to do anything I can to not mess it up. My siblings are being generous enough to take me in, so I have to be good. I need to. So they don't get rid of me.

Mother hated flaws. She would often call me out on every flaw I had and made. When I was younger and so was Mother, back when she wouldn't drink as much, she would let me hug her. It would only be for a few seconds and would rarely happen, but when it did I can guarantee I was the happiest girl ever.

One day when I wrapped my short arms around her she grabbed them, dig her uncut nails into me and said 'you are so clingy, it's disgusting'  Then pushed me to the white wall. When I think back to that moment, I don't remember the pain I felt in my back, instead all I remember is the tightness in my chest. At times, I can still feel it.

That was the last time I hugged someone. That day I learned people don't like hugs, at least not mine.

The end of that memory brought me back to my senses. I've decided. I will be who Mother always wished for me to be. That's the only way they'll keep me, maybe even like me. 

From now on i'll try to be flawless. Make no mistakes, be perfect. Even if i'll be nothing but a fraud, at least i'll be less of a disappointment.

To do this there's only one rule. One i'm use to, be who they want me to be, do what they want me to do.


Walking out of the bathroom and making my way to the room I was in my steps come to a halt. Quietly I stand there next to the door, making sure whoever is inside doesn't see me.

"...it was full of empty alcoholic beverages. There was also no traces of a child living there. No toys or anything like that. Until we found the basement. By what we saw, we're sure she was kept there..." I stop listening to what the young man said. He was talking about me to someone.

Was it my sibling? 

Slowly creaking the door open half way I noticed the young man and another man who seemed to be very tall. The light was blinding me from seeing the tall mans face, the room had smoke too. It was so bright and smoky I could see little specs of dust in the air. "You can come in" The happy voice came from the young man. 

Taking a small breath I opened the door all the way, and stepped forward into the room.

Dark eyes. Even when the sun was reflecting on him his eyes were close to black. He looked strong. I had to crane my neck upwards to see him. He was like the big foot creature from Mothers book. He was wearing an expensive looking suit. I noticed he held a cigarette in his hand.

So that's why there was smoke when I opened the door. 

He stood with confidence. With a calm and emotionless demeanor he brought the cigarette to his mouth, breathing it in, and with a puff white smoke appeared. I realize I was looking at him to much and looked away. I need to get it together, I promised I was going to be flawless.

There was a short silence. I could feel both of them staring at me. Then suddenly the man with dark eyes, who I assume is my brother, spoke, "I signed the documents. We're leaving." It was a statement. Not a question. We we're leaving.

My heart was beating fast as I observed the scene. The young man opened, closed, and open his mouth, "Yes of course Mr. Estrada. You both may go," He turned towards me "I wish you the best Miss Angelica" He smiled. No one has ever said that to me, it made me really happy.

My brother took calm steps towards me. Looking at me straight in the eyes and cigarette still in his right hand.

"Let's go" He told me. His voice and everything about him was intimidating. It truly scared me. He could hurt me really badly. 

I just looked at him walking out of the small room we were all in. Looking back one last time at the young man, I smiled. He was a kind man.

End of Chapter 2

I have no idea how to write people smoking, so sorry 😭 Im kinda regretting the option of making some of the brothers smokers

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