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My eyes started to peal open from the quiet noise. I was a heavy sleeper but when paranoid I could wake up with any sort of movement around me.

Realizing there was a presence at the door my eyes opened harshly and out of instinct I scooted away.

Getting back to my senses I saw who was the one standing at the doorway.

I was about to stand up and hug him. Tell him how sorry I was, and promise i'll be good. But I couldn't do that anymore. I can no longer get close to any of them. This is my punishment.

The little bit of hope disappeared from my eyes. Bringing my knees to my chest I hugged myself. That's when I realized I hadn't taken my shoes off. Not only that but I felt so sad. This familiar sadness that i've always felt. It was gone since I met my siblings, but it was back. Hurting me.

I wonder if Mateo also hates me? Does Romeo hate me too?

I placed my head downwards. I couldn't bring myself to look at him, or anyone anymore.

I heard footsteps approaching me. I tried to hold them back but the closer he got the harder it was. He did say It was normal. But not right now, I'll cry when he leaves.

Even if I managed to say I wasn't going to cause trouble anymore, that he didn't have to bother with me, I knew I couldn't, because deep down I didn't want that.

I wanted to continue holding his hand. His, Mateos, even Romeos. He wasn't that talkative but I could tell he was a kind person. The twins, they probably have they're reasons and I was going to respect that.

I felt Elias big hand stroke my hair softly. I shoved his hand away with my arm, still not looking at him. Tears were covering my vision.

"I'm sorry Cecilia" My hear beat picked up.

"I should've not left you, I promise I didn't mean it"

I tightened my hold on my knees.

Don't let this happen again Angelica, you'll end up hurting them. Think about them and stop being selfish.

Is was like a battle between giving in what I yearned and saving them from the curse I was.

Elias put his hands under my chin, making me look up at him.

His dark eyes made me instantly feel safe. My bottom lip trembled and a fat tear fell from my left eye.

I'm sorry Eli, I can't help it.

"I'm sorry Eli, I don't hate you" I said in a quivering voice. Tears streaming freely by now.

Eli wiped my tears from my face with his thumb. A small, barely noticeable smile formed on his face. So genuine I knew it was all going to be okay.

Eli picked me up swiftly. I hugged the heck out of him. My head resting on his shoulder. His warm hand rubbed my back gently.

Finally, I felt at peace.


I woke up to the same lady that woke me up last time.

She had woken me up and opened the curtains all the way. Now she was inside the closet choosing my outfit.

"I'm your nanny by the way"

My nanny?

"Okay" I said in a quiet voice, I was still half asleep.

"I'll run you a bath young miss"

Nanny was very hardworking, I could tell by the way she efficiently did things.

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