Chapter 21. Love and Madness

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At that moment, I was reminded once again that the major plot points of this novel can be manipulated, but it cannot be changed entirely.

For instance, an extra like me can escape death through my own efforts, but someone would have to die on my behalf. That's how Leila got killed.

"Isabelle," Grand Duke Averill must have noticed my tensed disposition. "Is something the matter?"

I assume it's the same this time. That veiled man with a scar on his face must be here to harm the heroine. The question is, who hired him to do so?

"Yes." I sighed. "We have an emergency."

I ran an eye over the place. It's too crowded at the moment due to the ongoing festival. At this rate, it would be difficult to spot Ingrid or Prince Dion.

"Listen, Your Grace. We have to split up." I tightly held onto both of his hands. "Do you trust me?"

"I like you." Alistair remarked earnestly. "And my affection comes with trust, Isabelle. So yes, I do."

"Good." His words soothed me. "Lady Marchetti must be somewhere nearby. Find her and stick with the lady. I want you to ensure her safety."

"You speak as if there's imminent danger coming this way." His eyes narrowed into slits. "Do I have any reason to be worried about you, Isabelle?"

"No." I gave him a reassuring smile. "Because I'm not a damsel in distress and I can protect myself."

The grand duke bit his lower lip. His dander seemed down. "I wish you'd rely on me more."

"I am relying on you." I cupped both of his cheeks and fiddled our noses together. "That is why I am asking you to do this for me. I need your help."

Grand Duke Averill caressed my hands placed on his cheeks. "I understand. I shall do as you say."

It was comforting to know that there's someone who trusts me so much he's willing to do as I say, no questions asked. Having him by my side gives me courage, as if I have nothing to be afraid of.

As planned, the two of us split up. Alistair went ahead and looked for Ingrid, while I searched for Crown Prince Dion. They should be here nearby.

I can't let the heroine get hurt. I must protect her.

We have been quiet these past few weeks, but if Ingrid gets so much as a little scratch, it might stir some rumors and the blame might fall on my lady.

That is, Lady Camellia, who's trying her best not to put herself in a bad light. Even a minor move on her side could instantly paint her as the villainess.

"Found him." I whispered upon seeing the male lead from a distance, who seemed to be waiting for someone.

Even though he was dressed modestly in a white shirt and black trousers, his glowing red eyes failed to conceal his regal appearance.

I charily approached his spot.

"Your Highness," I called with a hint of urgency.

"Hm?" The crown prince glanced over me. His brows furrowed. "A maid from the palace."

I bowed politely to him. "Yes, I am."

"What is it?" Prince Dion asked impatiently. "Get on with your business and just pretend you did not see me. I am currently incognito, servant."

I dared to move closer to his ear then spoke in hushes. "You're being followed, Your Highness."

His eyes twitched. "What?"

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