Chapter 57. The Autumn We Reunited

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"By now, Dion must have realized that you've aborted the mission and switched to our side."

I was slouched on the post-chaise when Princess Odette pointed that out. Ellis, on the other hand, was throwing me distasteful looks due to my bad posture. Seriously, what an austere woman she is.

"Is that so?" I drawled, staring at nowhere.

"Yes." She smiled. "I'm sure he'll be sending his knights soon. Make sure to protect me, okay?"

"Don't order me around." I yawned lazily.

"How dare you talk to Her Highness that way?" The knight hissed. "Also, be seated properly!"

"Leave me alone, bitch." I glowered at her.

The two of us exchanged heated looks as our carriage rattled on the way to the south. We've only been traveling for half a day but it doesn't seem like Ellis and I will get along any sooner.

Even the princess had given up on trying to make us amiable towards each other. It feels so weird to bicker with someone who looks so much like me.

That aside, now that I've taken a closer look on her, Princess Odette is such an absolute beauty.

Unlike the two men in her family who boasted of crimson red eyes, she had a pair of amethyst orbs, something she inherited from the late empress.

She was a tall woman with a slender figure and porcelain skin. Her proportions were perfect.

I still don't trust her, though.

"So," I eyed her. "Can I have my answers now?"

Princess Odette got nervous at my demand.

"How and why do you know the identity of the new protagonist?" I queried with a straight face.

She averted her gaze from me.

"And since the storyline has changed, how are you still able to predict the next events so accurately?"

The imperial princess thought for a moment, as if she were carefully choosing her words. When she saw the impatience on my face, she sighed heavily.

"I suppose there's no point in trying to sugarcoat things. If you must know, then I will tell you." She crossed her arms. "You see, there are two versions of the novel. The original, and a plagiarized one."

This is my first time hearing about that. I'm aware that I didn't originally belong to this world, but it's not like I have any memory of my past life, either.

I only knew one thing.

That I've already read this novel once.

"Which one did you write?" I curiously asked.

"Of course, I'm the author of the original." Princess Odette confidently answered.

Sure, if you say so. I don't believe you, though.

I'm not the same person who foolishly trusts anyone without any proof. I'm listening to her words now, but I ain't buying them right away.

"Have you read this novel in your past life, too?"

"I did." I said reticently. Well, I think so.

"Which version did you read?" Her Highness eyed me with mild interest. "Surely, you remember?"

I frowned. "How the hell am I supposed to know which is which? I've only read the novel once."

I decided not to disclose the fact that I actually don't remember the entire plot. That's a secret.

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