Chapter 47. Selfish, Ugly, and Vile

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As soon as the clock struck at twelve, Haniel and I set out to come to the Hina Forest. Unexpectedly, the entirety of Izumo was lively even at midnight.

Many establishments were still open, with most of them being house to courtesans. As we walked side by side, prostitutes tried to entice Haniel but he never even spared them so much as a glance.

I lifted my gaze to the sky. The full moon, rather than a beautiful sight to behold, somehow made me apprehensive as if it portends a tragedy ahead.

"I am going to die tonight." Haniel blurted out with an impervious face. "I feel it, and my intuition has never been wrong. It's upsetting, but that's life."

The mage halted from walking so I did, too.

As we stood under a lamp post, his deep purple eyes looked even darker in contrast to the light.

For a while, Haniel stared at my face. Compared to me whose composure was broken, his face looked dead calm, like not even a meteor could faze him.

After a few seconds, he took out something from his robe. It was a necklace with a round cerulean pendant, and the mage gently put it on my neck.

"This pendant contains my mana." Haniel placidly stated. "It will activate a barrier around you once it senses bloodlust directed towards you, Callie."

I held onto the pendant and took a closer look on it. His mana, in the form of blue, was so pure like a portion of a deep river with crystal clear water.

"However, take note that the barrier will break once I cease from living." Haniel added casually.

And so, we continued on our way to the forest.

I'm sure that he felt the hesitation from my little steps, but Haniel never rushed me. He patiently walked by my side and matched my pace as the two of us marched towards death's door itself.

The more we strayed away from the city, the more trees greeted us. Soon, we arrived at the glades of the Hina Forest, stopping by its woodland edge.

"Remember, Callie." Haniel pursed his lips. "To increase my chances of winning, I need you to take your brother and escape from this place."

I kept quiet. It still doesn't sit well with me.

The mage smiled to me then raised his fist, as if initiating a fist bump. "I'm counting on you."

Despite my qualms, I bumped my fist on him.

"Hmm," Haniel murmured softly. "Good girl."

My companion and I cautiously entered the Hina Forest. Perhaps it was due to the darkness, but my senses were more sensitive tonight than usual.

Even at this hour, the forest was humming with life around us. As we advanced, twigs crunched underneath our feet, while trees that stood erect into the night skies danced along the whistling wind. The smell of damp wood was also strong.

All of it just made me more anxious.

Haniel must have noticed the more erratic rise and fall of my chest. He stopped from walking then gently held my hand for reassurance.

"Callista," He whispered. "Calm down. I will do everything in my power to protect you, okay?"

No. You don't understand at all.

Having gone through death twice, I no longer fear it as much as normal people do. Now, I am more afraid of losing those who are important to me.

How many people have I lost and will continue to lose as the plot progresses? When will this end?

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