Chapter 79: Everlasting Winter

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A hero. That's what they hailed me as.

In reality, though, I did not want to be a hero in the slightest. When the novel resurrected my character and bestowed me the role as the new protagonist, I thought of it as a huge burden.

Even so, it's the only way I could meet her again.

So I was grateful.

But then I also had to kill the love of my life with my own hands in order to finish this story. It almost felt like the novel was toying with our hearts. One moment it will give you a chance, only to discover later on that it comes with a price.

Callista only wanted to live, and I only wanted her to be happy. In the end, we never got to fulfill any of our wishes.

"Haniel Calypso Astana, the empire recognizes your efforts on defeating the devil and quelling the disaster that might have befallen the world." The newly-established emperor placed the blade of her sword over my shoulder. "And so, with my authority as Louisiana Odette Von Solaris, hereby appoint you as the empire's paramount mage."

The capital was filled with echoes of cheers that shook even the skies. As I glanced over the sea of faces, all bright with fervor and admiration, I felt alienated and detached. What's the point of this?

She was gone. The only person I wanted to celebrate with was nowhere to be seen.

They waved the flags bearing the empire's sigil in homage to my deeds, but I only received their passionate praises with indifference. As soon as the awarding ceremony ended, I opted to leave.

"You're leaving already?"

I was preparing to depart when the former princess appeared before me. Louisiana Odette Von Solaris was now the first and only woman in the empire who managed to rise to the throne.

Quite a feat, I must say.

"Yes." I answered curtly.

"Why are you in a hurry to leave?" Her purple eyes beamed with fondness. "All the ladies in the empire are dying to have you in their bedrooms."

"Unfortunately, I do not indulge in such activities." I scoffed at her. "Especially when my heart already belongs to someone, Your Majesty."

"Someone who is dead." she pointed out.

I stared at her coldly. "And someone who promised me that she will come back."

When she saw my hostility, the emperor chuckled and raised her arms in defeat. "I was merely jesting. Forgive my rudeness, Haniel."

As much as I didn't want to admit it, the imperial robe worn by the supreme ruler suits the former princess, literally and figuratively. She stood tall and proud with her ebony black hair cascading over her shoulders, complementing the blazing red robe and the golden crown.

She's more than fit to be the emperor. As to what kind of ruler she will turn out to be, I suppose we shall find out in time. But knowing Odette, who was cold and calculative in nature, I can surmise.

"So, where does our paramount mage plan to go?" The emperor inquired.

"To the north." I replied succinctly while mounting my horse.

"Can't you stay and help me rebuild the empire?"

I chuckled. "I refuse to be exploited any further."

For a moment, we were engulfed in silence.

While staring at the former princess, it almost felt like looking at a mirror. For some reason, our characters have the same appearance: jet black hair and amethyst eyes. Was it a coincidence?

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