Chapter 80: The Epilogue of a Tragedy

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Note: This is the last chapter. Read Chapter 79 first if you haven't read it, since I published the last two chaps at the same time. Thanks and happy reading!


"Hanni, make the most out of your trip, okay?"

My parents lovingly embraced me with their arms. After exchanging tearful goodbyes with them, I boarded the carriage with my personal maid, Emma, who looked more excited than me.

"My lady!" Her eyes twinkled. "Are you ready?"

I yawned. "To be honest, no."

"What? No can do!" She shook me rather violently, making me feel dizzy. "This is your first trip as an adult! Show some avidity!"

Ugh... I want to die. Every day is such a hassle.

"Okay, I'm sorry. I cannot wait to go to the north, where I'd probably die from the cold. My god, I'm so excited for this trip that my parents planned without my consent." I said in a monotonous tone.

"My lady!" Emma scolded me.

I blew a heavy sigh. Just as she mentioned, this was my very first trip after my coming-of-age ceremony. Though if it were only me, I would have preferred to spend my first day as an adult quietly, in the corners of our home.

But no, my parents had other ideas. They told me that I should go out and venture the north, where the paternal side of my family hails. Retrace our history, as they quoted it. I wasn't really interested.

I was born from the branch family of the imperial family of the Cecilian Empire. My father, Alexander Hardin de Averill, is a descendant of the fifth emperor's consort. He got married to a count's daughter, who happens to be my mother... and poof! I came into this world against my will.

"My lady, why are you so indolent?" Emma asked with genuine concern. "At your age, you should be laughing, crying, and showing more interest..."

I shook my head. "So you wish for me to cry?"

"I wish for you to show more emotions!" She pouted.

I chuckled heartily. She truly acts like a brat.

It was true, though. I had always been like that.

For some reason, I felt empty like there was a void in my heart that I couldn't fill no matter what I did. I was blessed with a loving and well-off family, yet it all felt lacking.

I was searching for something. There was an irremediable longing within me.

I caught a glimpse of my reflection on the window of the carriage. Ebony black hair and a pair of amethyst eyes... I hated them for reasons unknown to me. They make me feel uneasy.

"How irksome," I whispered to myself.

When Emma saw me staring daggers at my reflection, she closed the curtain of the window.

"Why do you hate your appearance so much?" My personal maid questioned sadly. "My lady, you're so pretty. Have you seen how noblemen drool over you?"

I simply clicked my tongue in response.

"Besides, don't you know what the legend says?" Emma smiled childishly. "They say that your face is the depiction of the person you fell in love with in your past life!"

I hissed. "What nonsense."

"It's true!" She insisted like a petulant child.

Oh, good lord. I can tell that this is going to be a cumbersome trip.

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