Chapter 38. Heart to Heart

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My existing questions about Allari may have been answered, but they simply gave birth to new ones.

Why? Why did she become a traitor?

Once again, I had no choice but to analyze my own character by putting myself in her shoes.

Why would Allari, someone who was talented in magic and loved by her peers, betrayed Haniel and the entirety of the tower? For what reason?

Minus the fact that she was mute, her life was pretty normal. A commoner employed by the tower along with her older brother, Servan.

"Sister!" Speaking of the devil, his face popped through the door of my room. "Can't sleep?"

I sighed. Was it perhaps because of him?

For now, he's the only reason I can think of. What if Allari in the original storyline was threatened and her brother's safety was compromised?

She must've had no choice but to choose between her family and her other half, thus her treachery.

That must be the reason. What else could it be?

When I ignored Servan, he shamelessly entered my room and sat on the edge of my bed. As if he noticed me brooding, my brother thoughtfully pulled the blanket over my body and spoke.

"What's the matter, Allari?" Servan inquired.

His brown and curly hair, as well as the freckles on his face, were visible thanks to the candlelight on my bedside. The fire was also reflected on his tawny eyes. Ah, my first ever family in this novel...

When he got no response from me, Servan got flustered. A few seconds later, he gave me an apologetic smile, one full of sympathy.

"It must be so hard for you." Servan caressed my head. "Not being able to say what you want."

My brother looked like he was about to cry.

"But even if you cannot speak, it matters not." He told me emotionally. "Brother understands, Allari. Even if the whole world turns against you, your brother will always listen and understand, okay?"


As I thought, it must be because of Servan.

To Allari, the poor girl who grew up not being able to communicate with others, her brother was the only one she had in life. He was her only family.

Of course, she would go to such lengths for him.

That is, making an enemy of the entire tower.

Now, the question is, who made her do it?

There must be a catch. If the deal ensures Servan's safety, then the condition was to kill Haniel. Why? Why would they want him dead? What would be achieved in his passing? There must be something.

I took hold of his hand, which surprised him.

Don't worry, I made a mental oath. I will protect you and Haniel. I won't let any of you die, brother.

"Yes," Servan smiled to me, as if he understood what I meant by that gesture. "Yes, dear sister."


Ever since that day, I avoided Haniel as much as I can. At first it wasn't intentional, but then I just found myself hiding whenever our paths crossed.

It's not like I did anything wrong to him yet. Why the heck am I running away like a criminal? He's probably noticed it. That guy must be confused.

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