Chapter 28. Ruth Alessia di Camellia

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When the villainess asked me how far I would go for Alistair, two answers instantly came to mind.

One, geographically speaking, that I'm willing to go to the north for him. Two, metaphorically and literally speaking, that I'm willing to die for him.

Right now, I'm doing both of them.

The north is, at the moment, a battlefield between the Cecilian empire and the kingdom of Larraine.

However, even without the ongoing war, it's not exactly a place that anyone would be willing to brave. Chioni, the land governed by the Averill duchy, was constantly enshrouded by snow.

A freezing hell, as they describe it ironically.

However, despite this supposition, I have made up my mind. I will go there, alive or perhaps half-dead if my luck is rotten. Even so, I will go.

Because I am helplessly in love with him.

And that's how far I would go for Alistair.

"The capital can be this peaceful thanks to those fighting in the borders." I mumbled with a bit of bitterness. "I wish they'd honour them more."

The time to prepare for my departure was limited, so I only packed a few pieces of clothes and other essentials. Since I was about to travel long-distance, I also brought a knife with me.

According to Lady Camellia, a knight awaits me at the back of the palace and he'll take me to the north with a horse, so I don't have to worry about paying for a carriage. Good, because I'm broke.

"Okay," I took a deep breath. "I'm ready to go."

I cautiously made my way into the meeting spot, intercepting quite a number of servants along the hallway. Technically, you're not allowed to leave the palace without the butler or the headmistress' permission, so this can actually get me punished.

"Sorry, Sir Edward." I muttered when I saw him while hiding. That old geezer painted me as a masochist to everyone in the palace, but he was tolerant towards me whenever I acted or spoke insolently. He was a kind superior to all of us.

I suddenly feel bad leaving like this.

"Get a grip, Isabelle." I slapped both of my cheeks in an attempt to compose myself. "Don't hesitate."

I was just about to leave my spot when a familiar face greeted me as soon as I turned around. My jaw dropped at our unexpected encounter.

"Rumi," I blurted out her name nervously.

"Belle," She looked at me from head to toe. Her eyes twitched when she noticed my luggage.

"Uhm," I panicked. "This isn't what you think..."

She inhaled sharply. "Where are you going?"

Upon hearing her ice cold voice, I realised that there was no point in lying to her. You see, apart from being pretty, this girl is uselessly perceptive.

"To the north," I answered with all honesty.

"Are you crazy?" She frowned. "The north is about to be a graveyard for the ones fighting in the war! Why in the world would you go there, you fool?!"

We may have been on silent terms these past few months, but I know. I know that she was concerned, otherwise she wouldn't even care.

"To see the grand duke, Rumi." I confessed.

Her eyes widened. "What?"

"Indeed, I am a fool." I smiled sadly. "A fool in love, that is. So will you help this smitten lady?"

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