September 11, 1994 - 4:24 P.M.

91 6 0

 Jane was in her dorm, listening to music. Her dorm was simple and shared with nobody. She was a transferee so she got a spare room. All for herself.


Her eyes squint as she spots something in her mirror.

A motionless figure wearing a Black Motorcycle Helmet and a black leather suit.

She laughs and approaches them. "Woah! How long have you been here?"

" . . . " No answer.

She pokes their shoulder to make sure they're real. They were soft and warm, yet frozen like a statue.

"Freaky . . ." She murmurs.

They suddenly break out of place and cover Jane's mouth, slamming her into her mirror.

She shrieks as the glass shatters behind her. By impulse and nature, she kicks their groin. They fall back as she runs to the door.

They reach out to her boot as she whams into the ground, spraining her ankle.

"Fuck!" She tries to crawl to the door before they grab a knife and stabs the back of her knee.

She screams in pain as they pull the knife out and does the same to her other knee.

Blood gushes out her legs and spills out her open flesh, the smell of metal filling the air. She cries and continues crawling to the door, her only hope.

The figure grabs her other ankle and snaps it under her pretty shoes. She wails in agony but doesn't quit reaching for the door. Her bones popping out her skin.

Tears choke her as they stab her legs multiple times, never stopping. She leaves a trail of blood behind as she struggles on the ground.

She continues dragging her arms, her legs soaked in blood and open muscles.

The tip of her finger brushes the door of hope.

Her vision suddenly goes white as her head spins. She was so close, yet so far.

Shouldn't have ran.

Class Of 96': 1994 (BxB Mystery)Where stories live. Discover now