Chapter XLI - "Please!"

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 "Okay, class, can anyone tell me how sexual reproduction works in humans?"

Science class the next day was horrendous. You can guess what our topic was.

"Boys at the back, simmer down please." Our professor lifted his glasses, well aware of everyone's mixed emotions. "Girls, stop giggling."

"Sex!" Someone yelled from God knows where.

A roar of cheers.

Containing my share of laughter, I took a peak at Innes. She was not having any of it. Arms crossed and a twisted face, I couldn't tell if she was annoyed or unamused.

"Quiet down. Quiet down please." The professor opens his book and flips it through, scratching his temple. "And . . . how exactly does human sex work?"

"When a guy sticks his dick in a girl!"

Our class really does have nothing better to do.

As the painful lecture went on, I looked outside our window. The clock was ticking and I wanted to make sure Naomi was The Hazard. I can't go around pointing f—


Standing outside, jittery, trembling, and shaken, was Naomi. Speak of the devil. He seemed to be talking to someone, rather reasoning out. His glossy eyes were flickering as his hands were flaying around. He ran his fingers through his slicked-back hair, helplessly listening to the person talking.

I shifted in my seat. I couldn't see who he was speaking to. Though I thought I might die if I never found out.

'Please!' I watched him say. Reading his lips was hard. Only the words please and innocent made out. 'You can't do this to me!'

What's he going on about? Innocent? You can't do this to me? Please?

'I'm innocent! Why are you doing this?!? Why are you doing this, Lavender?!?'

"Steph Dragus." Our professor cuts, sharp and stern. "I better not catch you staring off again."

Once I was sure he wasn't looking, I checked back on Naomi. But he was gone.

Was he . . . talking to Lavender?

"Steph Dragus." I quickly jolt up and to find our teacher scrutinizing me. "I'm giving you one last chance. Zone out in my class again and that's detention."

I felt like sinking in my seat. Everybody was staring at me, murmuring. I shyly nod.

"You've always had a little world in your mind," Ollie whispers from beside me, poking my head. "I like that about you."

"I just like you in general." I slowly held his hand under the table, smiling. I just hoped he didn't realize how many faults were turning in my mind.

"Color me flattered."

I lean closer, just enough playful space. "You know, Ollie, I could color you more than flattered. If you let me."

"Steph Dragus!" I jump as the professor slams his book on a table, cracking its sound through the air. "I've warned you one, two, three times! I have no choice but to send you to detention."

I gasp. "M-Me?!?"

"I hope you remember to pay attention and keep quiet next time we meet."


I can't keep this up. I really can't.

In the cold library, sad and isolate, was where I was. Sorting books alone wasn't what I anticipated. Distant keyboard clicks echoed through the walls while the librarian, Ms. Sage, typed away.

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