Chapter XV - The Devil

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I ran, and ran, and ran.

My lungs were aching and my feet were hurting from running. I never even knew I could run so fast.

I bumped into Pandora on the way. She gasped as her red fruit punch spilled all over her La Calavera Catrina costume. Luckily, her gown was black so it wasn't so obvious, aside from the wet patch soaking into her clothes.

"Hey!" She yelled. Her face was painted a skeleton and the moment she saw me, her gaze hardened. "Oh, it's you."

My tongue stumbled on the many thoughts flooding my mind, seeking my attention. "Oh my God! Pandora, I am so sorr–"

"Save it for later, asshole." She scowled. "Next time you blame me for a murder, try not to fucking talk to me. Let alone spill my own drink on me. Chingas a tu puta madre, Steph. You fucking dumbass."

And she turns around to leave, her big bourgeoise hat faintly brushing my face.

I try reaching out to her but stop, hand floating midair. It's best if I don't make things worst with her. Or worst for her.

I wince. My legs start running again, skimming through countless bodies.

I don't understand. Why am I . . . so scared?

There's nothing to be scared of. I've seen Halloween a thousand times. What's so special this year?

Was it the . . . thing? The soulless sculpture harnessed with leather? The motorcycle-head? No, it couldn't be. It was probably just a pra—


I stop dead. Where . . . am I?

The tune of Dusty Springfield's 'Spooky' lingers in the air, distant from the scene. The sound of my ragged breath fills my ears.

My eyes wandered to where I stood. It was the school halls. Within it's arched cream ceiling and the hollowed wind. Only the blue moonlight lit the way.

I don't remember getting here. Did I . . . blackout?

Then, I heard it.

"I swear I just left him for a second!" An anguished voice whimpered, full of regret and misery.

My chest tightened as I found myself knotting my brows in puzzle. It felt like my whole body was being pulled into their strange sobs.

I slowly bent down and leaned behind the wall. My head carefully poked out as I took my voice recorder and started filming. I shouldn't be doing this. Yet at the same time, I can't help it. With the whole Hazard fiasco, nobodys safe.

"He just said he'd talk to his sister then . . . " A girl with short fire-orange hair in a mustard costume wept as small rapid hiccups escaped her mouth.

Wait, that's . . . Neon. What's going on?

I narrowed my eyes as a strong, assuring, and caring voice replied.

"It wasn't your fault, Nora." It was the violet witch. It was Astra.

"I shouldn't have let him go . . . " The weight of Neon's grief started seeping through my skin. I didn't know what was anguishing her so much. But I didn't need anyone to tell me how bad it was.

I could tell.

Astra, drowned in her sorrow, held her head gently and hugged her, closing her eyes in dismay. "It isn't your fault."

Neon cried what seemed like gallons as she sank her head into Astra's chest.

The muffled sound of weeping echoed through every corner with whispers of laughter and giggles melting together.

I wearily looked at my camcorder. I need more than just their voices. I need them.

I slowly got my camera, sure to not make a sound, and clicked record.


My heart dropped. The noise of my camera set off and vibrated throughout the halls.

Astra heard it.

Neon heard it.

They all heard it.

Astra's eyes snapped open. "Who's there?"

It was a threat, not a question.

I quickly slammed my back against the wall again in retreat, as if that would hide me.

She carefully let go of Neon and started walking towards me. She couldn't see me, but with no doubt knew where I was. Hiding behind a wall, like a rat in a trap.

"Hey," Her footsteps grew closer as the room closed in on me. "Hey!"

Oh no. My mind mazed around all the worst-case scenarios.

My only option now was to make a run for it.

I took a deep breath and—

"Get back here!" She yelled as I sprinted out of my hiding spot and just ran.

I didn't care that the ends of my shoes started rubbing away at my skin. I was running so fast I thought my legs would fall off.

I finally reached the crowd of costumes. I scurried into them and almost fell on my face. My heart started pounding on my chest, threatening to rip right out.

The loud music was blasting in my ears and I could hear everybody breathing. I thought my mind was gonna explode.

I felt my fingers go numb with panic as Astra pushed through the bustling crowd, yelling: "Make way!" at the vampires blocking her way.

"Watch it!" Shouted a girl after I bumped straight into her.

"Sorry! I'm sorry!" But there's no time to face her and apologize. I had a raged Prefect chasing right behind my tail and if I get caught? Who knows what she'll do to me?

Astra raced through the masses trying to catch me. "What you overheard was not for you!" Her voice rasped at the very end, sending chills down my spine.

I ducked as I passed the very last zombie and was set free from the crowd.

As I ran, camera in hand, I looked back. Seems like Astra was sunk deep in the sweaty, loud mob of students.

Swarms of questions begging to be answered took over me. Why was Neon crying? Why was Astra so furious? What did the words: "I shouldn't have let him go." mean? But most importantly . . . what happened?

Seems like I have my own Halloween Horror.


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