Chapter XX - Judgment

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"I've called you all here today for a grave and tragic matter."

We all watch as The Dean of our school talks into a table mic. She called us today into the gloomy Assembly Hall decored with nothing but rows of wooden benches and stained glass. It looked more like a church without a cross.

The Dean clears her throat. "As you know, there have been multiple terrible genocide attacks caused by an anonymous attacker. These will not go unnoticed. As a result, the entire school of G.H. Academy has asked you to not speak about the attacks unless necessary." The Dean scrutinized all of us. She was a Texan lady who never left her house without her pearl earrings.

I saw Touma sitting a few rows ahead of me, head down in silence. As of Innes, she wasn't here.

"We have long reported to the police and are ongoing investigation. G.H. Academy, as of now, is not a safe ground. We will be shutting down all school activities for the next few months. Students will be asked to move out of their dorms. For your safety, the school premises will be thoroughly searched. The victims have said the attacker was wearing a black motorcycle helmet and a leather motorcycle strap jacket. Teachers and students will be questioned by police after our assembly. If you have any concerns, please ask me now."

A huge wave of yelling and arguing bombarded the hall, angry and confused about why this was happening.

"You can't just make us move out!" A girl cries out.

"What the fuck?!?" Seth shouts from beside me. "Who cares if some students got attacked anyway?!? It doesn't affect the whole damn school!"

"Hey!" Touma stands from his seat and snaps around, his infuriated gaze finding the boy beside me. Oh God, why does he have to be beside me? "Tough talk for a fucker like you."

I grumble as I sink deeper into my seat with my hand covering my eyes. Not again.

Seth scoffs and jabs a sharp finger his way. "I should be saying that to you! You're the fucker here. Your pussy ass fucked that TBB guy or whatever."

A bunch of Ohh's and muffled laughter came from each row of students, living for the drama.

"And you attacked him!" Touma bit back. "I know what you fuckin' did! You gave him a note to meet in the Library and attacked him!'

Molly leaned closer to me and whispered into my ear. "Oh shit."

Everybody looked at Seth in disbelief and confusion. Was he really The Hazard?

Seth narrowed his eyes. "And he fucking fell for it."

Touma froze, staring at him from across the room. Tension locked and fists tight. He took a deep ragged breath in.

Touma marched aside all the benches until he finally reached face-to-face with Seth. Aka, right in front of me, innocently sat.

Gasps filled the room as Touma punched him right in the throat.

Seth faltered back with a hand on his neck, coughing. He forced a chuckle, tilting his head in disbelief, and tackled Touma to the ground. And again, right against my shoes.

Astra stepped in and held Seth back in one pull. By then, a mob of students were swarming us.

"Oh my God!-" I clustered my legs to my chest as I had to duck in my seat! I covered my head with my arms and started screaming in fear. There was literally a fight going on right in front of me!

Seth wiggled out of Astra's grasp and just went all out with Touma. Can't they just be civil for once?!?

But I hope Touma wins.

Class Of 96': 1994 (BxB Mystery)Where stories live. Discover now