Chapter XXXI - "Shopping!"

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"I want you to remember I don't have money."

Innes, Molly, Ollie, and I were at the Elephant & Castle shopping centre, which Molly insisted was the best mall in London.

Ollie brought up the idea of prom shopping since our prom was seizing close. Of course, the Blossoms had to drag us to join them.

And, I guess, this is a good distraction from all of the . . . crime going on. I need to get my head off how an Officer came to interrogate me. Out of everybody.

Clothing shops, slushie stops, arcades, ice cream parlors, and so much more were scattered left and right. A group of laughing teens strolled past us as I recognized them from our rivaling school, RoseCairn Academy. All of the shops had their name in a neon light sign, yet the centre had this yellow-brown hue to it.

I've always loved this mall. It gave me this sense of nostalgia.

Molly laughs at Innes' remark. "I know you have no money on you."

"I have twenty pounds." She quickly adds, taking back her dignity.

"That could buy you a decent dress." Molly nods, jutting her chin out. "A dress that looks like a rice sack."

Innes rolls her eyes.

Ollie holds back a laugh.

"Hey, twenty pounds could buy you a good dress." I say, defending her. And I'm not lying.

Molly lays a hand on her waist. She was wearing a red tank top with low-rise jeans, which hung just above her hip. "I know. I'm just joking."

"I'm just going for something simple." Innes' eyes dart around, searching for the thrift shop. "A black dress would be fine."

"Well, make it silk!" Molly beams, her whole face lighting up.

Innes' face, on the other hand, twists. "No."



She grabs Innes' bony wrist and runs up the escalator, laughing. "Bye, boys! Me and Miss Emo are gonna go shoppinggg!"

I look at Ollie, waiting for him to say something. He was laughing, giggling at his sister. His nose scrunched up in such a cute way that I thought to myself, How could I not fall for him?

He turns to me. "Are you ready to go shopping?"

I smile.


We find ourselves in a lavish suit shop filled with elegant trousers and blazers. The faint smell of cedarwood filled my nose as Ollie started browsing through noir tuxedos.

A fine suit caught my eye. Hmm, it was pretty. The texture was . . . okay. I pinched the price tag between my fingers and— What?!?

My eyes widened as I quickly dropped the tag. Way too expensive!!!

"Stephan," I jerked my head up to see Ollie holding a blazer by its hanger, hovering it over his chest. "Do you think this looks good?"

I stammer as my face switches from pure shock to a look as if I see these price tags often. "Uhm . . . I'm not a fashion person. But it looks good!"

Anything looks good on you.

"Hm," He grabs another blazer but in grey. "Which is better?"

I try to hide the fact that I really can't decide. "The black one? It looks . . . more traditional."

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