Chapter XIV - Temperance

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The school grounds were trashed with toilet paper and carved pumpkins. There was a large banner with the words:

Halloween Of 1994

The night was cool and somewhat eerie. A group of hippies laughed outside with a trio of burger ingredients standing still. The school looked like a castle from the 18th century with the forest lingering behind it. The walls were bricked up and the air reeked of cheap perfume until the smell of peppermint wax came.

"Nice fangs," Dressed in a ratty red coat, pirate hat, fake hand hook, and an eye patch was Ollie Blossom.

Oh. Was he wearing eyeliner?

I faced him. No way he didn't notice my shirt. I swore I unbuttoned enough to catch his attention. I think I'm doing too much for someone who won't notice. "Thanks."

"You look rather sick-"

"He just threw up." Molly really had to say that.

Ollie slowly blinked. "Huh,"

"We also got pulled over by the cops."

"Mhm . . ."

"And the cop in question happened to be Naomi Vegas' mom."

"Right . . ."

"And he was screaming like a little girl."

"He was screaming like you."

"No, he was screaming like you."

"I never scream."

"But you're a pussy."

"I'm a dog person."

"No, you're a cock person."

A ghost glides behind him. "Ollie,"

Ollie screams.

I smile as his eyes grow huge and his mouth stretches into a big gasp.

Molly points at him. "You screamed!"

"Who the-" He darts to the ghost behind him. "Who the fuck even are you?!?"

The ghost wearing a white bed sheet and sunglasses looked around. "You've been friends with me for four years."

"Hello, Innes." I wave.

"Hello," Innes dragged, making sure Ollie feels bad.

He groans. "Yeah, yeah."

"Isn't that the same costume from last year?" Molly pinched Innes' costume between her slim fingers, which felt five years old.

"You got a problem with it?"


We headed into the cafeteria and saw the real party. The lights were a dim reddish brown with fake candles shoved everywhere. It was like they had too many fake candles and just sloppily scattered them everywhere they could. The air smelt of black cherry and overpowering perfume. Fake blood dripped down walls and people with red plastic cups in hand. Knowing the school, it's probably just Kool-Aid. But knowing the school, it's definitely spiked.

The crowd of monsters was mixed in with vampires, witches, and . . . well . . . pizza-dressed people. Take Neon and Luka for example. Neon was mustard and Luka was ketchup. I couldn't miss it. I grabbed the camera from my chest and snapped a shot of them sitting down and joking around. She laughed and he looked down, pleasantly smiling. Luka covered the side of his cheek and whispered something to Neon. I snapped another shot.

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