Chapter 26 Ningning's going to school

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Usually, after eating, Shen Ning would lie on the shell bed and rest for a while, enjoying the wanton life, but today, Shen Ning was a little absent-minded because he was concerned about the big meal ticket.

Why haven't the big meal tickets come out yet?

So Shen Ning patted Li Le's shoulder and said: I want to find a big meal ticket!

"Okay, okay." Li Le said dotingly, "I'll carry you."

So Li Le hugged Ning Ning in one hand, and led the small water cart with Ning Ning to the door of the examination room.

The door was ajar, and the conversation between the base staff and Li Jingfeng was vaguely revealed inside.

"We recommend that you let Ningning come to the base for classes."



? !

When the fish got nervous, its ear fins exploded.

Did the people at the base let the fish go to class? !

Fish don't want to go to base! Hate going to class too!

I don't want to be a hard-working student, and I don't want to do my homework.


The big meal ticket actually agreed?

Yu couldn't believe it, and patted Li Le's shoulder, signaling that he would come down.

Shen Ning got into the small water truck by himself, and drove the small water truck back to the mermaid room.


Although he knows that the big meal ticket must be for his own good, but the big meal ticket clearly knows that fish don't like the base, and they don't like gathering together...

Shen Ning, a fish soaked in the water, slowly sank, and began to sulk.


Actually, the fish isn't really angry, it's just that he usually asks for his opinion on the meal ticket, which makes him a little sad...

What's the matter with the fish? Why do you get depressed if you don't follow your own wishes for the big meal ticket?

Check the interior.

"Okay, I'll think about it." Li Jingfeng said, "However, we need to seek the advice of the little mermaid first."

The people at the base were a little surprised: "These are generally decided by the owner, and almost all the little mermaids sent out by the base will participate in human society. Common sense training..."

"Yes." Li Jingfeng smiled, unmoved, "Ningning's opinion is very important."

If Ningning doesn't like it, then they won't go.

He has enough power to protect the fish, and he can also teach Ning Ning about common sense.

He didn't want Ningning to be unhappy.

His fish will be happy.

Thinking of Shen Ning, Li Jingfeng couldn't help but quickly end the conversation to see Ning Ning, wondering what Ning Ning was doing alone? Will you be worried if you see him not talking to the base personnel for so long?

He had very little time with Ningning today. He went out in the morning and came back late at noon. He only accompanied Ningning for the examination in the afternoon.

When Li Jingfeng came to the mermaid room, the little fish was facing the door, half submerged in the water, flicking its tail desolately, the whole fish was full of grievances.

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