Chapter 5: 👊Fights and Feelings❤️‍🩹

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Urami came soaring to me and landed in my hair. He then used his claws to grab and tug at my hair aggressively.

"OUCH?! Quite it! What the heck are doing?" I yelled at him and started swatting at him. Unfortunately he saw it and moved and I ended up hitting myself instead.

"That's for taking me away from my lover FUGLY." He squawked at me.

I squeezed my fist and tense at the old nickname. "Nice to see you too!" I faux cheered with a matching smile.

Now normally I'm a kind and sweet person, but like I said before Urami unfortunately brings the worse out of me. I swat at him again and I missed him by a few inches. Then he pecked my head in retaliation. 'Third time the charm.' I thought while rubbing the spots he pecked me at.

I reached for the bird again and grabbed him by his neck not enough to hurt him, but firm enough for him to know that I am serious. "What the heck is your problem?" I seethed.

"I already told you that! What do you have amnesia or something." He spat.

I felt my eye twitch and took a deep breath. 'He is just a bird, he is just a bird, you like animals. You don't like to hurt animals. You love animals.' I chanted inside my head to try and calm down.

"No I don't. I'm trying to figure out why in the world you decided to charge at me like I was some demon. Because last time I check I'm the main one that takes care of you. I willingly go out of my way to make sure you get your specialize shampoo and conditioner. And all your needs, no matter how crazy they are."

He glared at me, "So, what are you trying to get at?"

This stupid ungrateful bird! I gripped him a little tighter.

"So, SO, why does that give you the right to treat me like this?!." I yelled. "In case you forgotten I'm a demon slayer. You know a person that is supposed to be protecting the weak and getting rid of scum while doing it!" He shrinks a bit underneath my glare but begins to move his mouth.

I cut him off before he can continue, "Not only that you have an important job to do by guiding me to and from missions, and notifying me about new missions. So how am I supposed to do that with you gone huh?!" I breath out, while trying to catch my breath from all the screaming I just did.

He opens his beak and closes it again. Then he looks down in shame. I loosen my grip and soften my eyes. I put my finger underneath his chin and lift his head to face me.

" Look I'm sorry for yelling at you but I really can't handle the ungratefulness and I want to be respected. I also want you to understand how important your job is to me and to others. I look him in his eyes. "I promise you will get to see Ginko after missions, and I really do enjoy having you around even if we squabble allot." He cracks a small bird smile at that. I smile back.

Urami looked down again, "I'm sorry."

"I forgive you, I just need you to talk to me about the issue. Instead of straight up attacking me okay?" I let go of him and he flys to the side of my shoulder.

"Okay." He responds back.

"Friends again?" I my voice full with hope.

"Friends." Urami says back to me. "But I'm still going to hold this against you."

I laugh because he never changes. " I expected as much." I replied smoothly.




I slowly peeked my eyes open, and leaned into my side. I look out the window and squinted my eyes. The warm orange and light yellow light blinding me. I lay back down and roll over trying to get just a bit more rest.

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